Background – Why is there a need for NTUC to better represent PMEs
NTUC has to ensure that the workforce is ‘future ready’ as PMEs will be the new rank-and-file workers of the future.
Increase in PME membership from 20 per cent in 2009 to 23 per cent today making 148,000 members of the NTUC membership base of 700,000 members.
Growth of PME members has been increasing at a faster rate over the last few years, growing about 10 per cent from 130,000 in Aug 2010 to 142,500 in Aug 2011. The growth increased to over 13 per cent to reach 162,000 members in 2012.
The queries raised by PMEs members may be more complex and occasionally transnational.
Increasing trend of PMEs being retrenched among unionised companies
Learning points from a recent study trip to UK’s PME Unions
Increasing PME union membership as opposed to declining trend worldwide – 40% are PMEs (Labour Force Survey, Office for National Statistics)
90% retention rate for PME union members
Key success factors of the UK PME unions are workplace advisory, representation and advocacy with strong emphasis in the area of ‘work’ and ‘learn’.
Outreach and Advocacy for PMEs – (4Ps) Protection, Professional Development and Progression, Placement and Privileges
Enhancing capabilities to service PMEs to better serve the growing PME populace (4Ps):
Protection - protecting PMEs through advocacy and workplace rights (Refer to point 7 – Advocacy for the vulnerable groups)
Professional Development and Progression – to prepare PMEs to be future-ready
e2i to co-fund PMEs to deepen their vocational skills that will help them move-up the career.
PME-focused executive education arm by Next-U
Placement – better employment and employability opportunities
e2i & Next-U to work on Place and Train programmes
e2i has a suite of services to help PMEs get a job and remain employable – coaching and training advisory, platforms to meet employers and workshops. In addition, the PME microsite – the online platform to provide PMEs information on employment related events and services.
Privileges - to meet the needs of PMEs
Targeted communications via a dedicated e-newsletter “(Connect) u”;
Exclusive suite of “live & play” benefits catered to PMEs.
Enhancing Workplace Advisory services
Union members will have access to NTUC legal service department’s full-time lawyers
The enhanced workplace advisory will be supported by full-time lawyers who can provide legal advice exclusive to union members especially for complex queries.
As opposed to having to pay legal fees at commercial rates ranging from $300 to $600 for one hour of consultation, any union member can now access this legal advisory service free of charge, paying only the NTUC Membership fee of $9 per month or $117 a year.
24/7 access to workplace resources
NTUC will be enhancing our capabilities to service PMEs to ensure that union members have easy access to advice on workplace issues (for e.g. workplace grievance to employment-related queries) on the go, anytime and anywhere.
This resource will assist PMEs to better understand their employment rights at the workplace, and at the same time raise the awareness level among the PME populace in Singapore that the LM could provide them with valuable workplace advisory and better represent their rights at the workplace.
This is also to cater to the anticipated increase in workplace queries as the labour movement increases its membership base. The number of online enquiries received over the years has steadily increased – 329 (2009), 395 (2010), 463 (2011), and 293 (1 Jan – Jul 2012).
Multiple Platforms to access workplace advisory
Web-based access to Workplace Advisory (rebrand of Aunt I.R.I.S)
Enhancement from the former web-based advisory service known as Industrial Relations Information System (Aunt I.R.I.S.) where union members could seek advice from the Industrial Relations practitioners on workplace issues ranging from workplace grievances to employment-related queries will be renamed to ‘Workplace Advisory’ as part of the enhancement.
Access via the mobile app
Full-access workplace advisory could be accessed anytime as long as union members have downloaded the app. This app seeks to empower and educate PMEs about work-related matters such as professional advice from experts and industry veterans, job opportunities and industry-related news in addition to the full suite of services that NTUC offers. Some features in the app are: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for commonly-faced workplace issues like breach of contract, unfair dismissal, maternity rights, etc; “Ask our workplace Advisors now” for a more personalised advice by sending a private message to our dedicated workplace advisors; gain access to useful workplace tips and guides such as the “Workplace Rights for the Busy Executive” and know your rights as PMEs and other consolidated resources.
Non-union members will have limited access to the workplace advisory service however they will be able to gain access to a network of PMEs to exchange ideas and share their workplace experience through the new social networking platforms such as LinkedIn which will interface with the app, FB and twitter (which will be available end-Sept).
Advocacy for the vulnerable groups
Mature PMEs – in the area of Employment & Employability against unintended discriminating hiring practices. In addition to provide more jobs for mature PMEs by building a stronger PME database.
Young PMEs – against under-employment, better work-life balance and employee benefits.
Freelance PMEs – recognise that many freelancers may be vulnerable as they are not aware of their rights and obligations especially in their contract for service, or intellectual property rights. NTUC hopes to include them to be part of the LM.
Female PMEs – in the area of flexible work arrangements.
Amendment to the Employment Legislation
In addition to the workplace advisory, NTUC is in discussions with the tripartite partners on the amendments to the existing Employment legislation. More details will be shared in Sep/Oct 12.