Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Heng Swee Keat’s message to unionists at this year’s May Day Rally was clear.
“I assure you, the close symbiotic relationship between the PAP [People’s Action Party] and NTUC, which underpins our unique and precious brand of tripartism, will continue into the 4G and beyond,” he said.
Mr Heng took to the rostrum on 1 May 2019 at Downtown East to reaffirm links between the PAP and NTUC. The two parties have had close ties for almost 60 years.
“NTUC backs the PAP because the PAP is pro-people. It has kept faith with the unions. And the PAP treasures its relationship with the NTUC because the NTUC is pro-worker. It remains committed to the self-respect of every working man and woman and believes that the purpose of economic development is to improve the lives of all in the workforce.
“We strive for growth, in order to improve the lives of every Singaporean. The Labour Movement can be assured that the PAP will never abandon the working man and woman,” said Mr Heng
The May Day Rally is Mr Heng’s first public event as Deputy Prime Minister, with the cabinet reshuffle taking effect on 1 May 2019.
Mr Heng also announced that from 1 April 2020, unionised companies and NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) partners will receive an additional 10 per cent funding support for the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG).
The EDG is a grant that integrates support for businesses to transform and grow.
In total, these companies will receive 80 per cent funding support, instead of the current 70 per cent.
To be eligible for the grant, companies need to set up company training committees (CTCs) and commit themselves to other positive worker outcomes such as an increase in salary of low-wage workers or reskilling them.
“It is important for companies to see workers as key partners in their companies’ transformation, and to make sure their transformation efforts benefit workers,” said Mr Heng.
The announcement is part of three strategies Mr Heng suggested as Singapore transforms for the future.
The first strategy is to transform the economy with tripartism as a key asset to the effort.
“The unions, in particular, play a critical role ... I am happy that more companies and unions are working together to deploy technology to augment labour to achieve win-win outcomes,” said Mr Heng.
The second strategy is to prepare the workforce for the future through lifelong learning.
“We can’t protect jobs that will be made redundant, but we can and will protect workers – every working man and woman,” he said.
At this year’s Budget, Mr Heng announced that the Government will spend $3.6 billion over the next three years to help workers amid the economic transformation.
Currently, workers are benefiting from efforts such as SkillsFuture and the Professional Conversion Programme, said Mr Heng.
He also commended e2i on its role in helping workers keep pace with transformation, adding that the Government looks forward to more initiatives and teamwork in the effort.
The third strategy is for Singapore to ensure economic growth remains inclusive for all workers, especially low-wage workers, seniors, and those who have left the workforce early.
“Every worker matters. The NTUC and the PAP have always been committed to uplifting all our workers. We are committed to do this because we believe we are all in this together … We must leave no one behind,” said Mr Heng.