Model ID: 72228868-d3af-4c8c-9fcc-a496db8aaf78 Sitecore Context Id: 72228868-d3af-4c8c-9fcc-a496db8aaf78;

May Day Awards 2018: Workers’ Heroes

The May Day Awards is conferred on the Labour Movement’s leaders and partners for being strong, relevant and representative in serving workers in Singapore.
Model ID: 72228868-d3af-4c8c-9fcc-a496db8aaf78 Sitecore Context Id: 72228868-d3af-4c8c-9fcc-a496db8aaf78;
14 May 2018
Model ID: 72228868-d3af-4c8c-9fcc-a496db8aaf78 Sitecore Context Id: 72228868-d3af-4c8c-9fcc-a496db8aaf78;

This year’s May Day Awards recognises outstanding men, women and organisations that have created a significant impact on the lives of workers in Singapore. From holding events and engagements to forging partnerships and launching new initiatives, their contributions are deeply felt by various business units in the Labour Movement who stepped forward to nominate them.

Look out for more in upcoming weeks as we continue to shine the spotlight on our winners in this ongoing series. You can read their full citations here.

Danny Lien, President, Singapore Association of Shipsuppliers & Services (Working People’s Advocate)

Danny pioneered the development of a series of training programme in Marine Logistics, to calibrate the service quality and safety standards in Singapore’s ship supply industry to a level that is comparable with the international ship supply management standards. In the later part of 2017, Danny established the SASS Academy, in collaboration with training provider Academy for Mastery, and extended the courses (the first and only of its type) to potential jobseekers and workers in the industry. The academy targets to impact approximately 20 companies and 400 workers over the next three years.

Nominated by NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute)

Seah Keng Tia, Vice-President, United Workers of Petroleum Industry (Working People’s Advocate)

Seah has always been generous in giving advice to the new union leaders, whether it is on organising outreach and engagement events or mobilising youth members. He always makes time to have casual conversations with fellow committee members on the topic of youth engagement and actively encourages collaboration among the youth chapters to co-create joint projects.
Through the years, Seah has represented Young NTUC to share his union experience at several national and international platforms. These include ITUC World Congress in Germany, ITUC-AP Regional Congress in India and ILO Asia Pacific Convention in Bali.

Nominated by Young NTUC

Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, CoachSG Sport Singapore, Sports Coaches Association Singapore (Partner of Labour Movement)

In partnership with the self-employed persons (SEPs) group, Sports Coaches Association (Singapore) took the lead in gathering concerns from its members, and NTUC U FSE initiated engagement with the finance and education ministries on the request to review the contracting model governing the relationship between these co-curricular activities (CCA) instructors and schools under the Ministry of Education (MOE). With the Ministry of Finance’s (MOF’s) support, positive revisions to contracts between MOE schools and CCA instructors were introduced, starting from January 2018. The revisions, including clarity on cancellation and payment terms, will further enhance the income security of some 5,000 to 6,000 SEPs on contract with MOE schools. This move was greatly welcomed by the various representative SEP communities.

Nominated by NTUC U FSE (Freelancers and Self-Employed)

Capgemini Singapore (Partner of Labour Movement)

Consulting and technology company Capgemini Singapore has worked with NTUC U PME to build a strong Singaporean core. To keep pace with emerging technology and ride on their culture of innovation and experimentation, the company launched the Applied Innovation Exchange Singapore in February 2017. They were a supporting partner and sponsor for the U Future Leaders Summit 2017. They provided five thought leaders to share insights to drive awareness on technology innovation to professionals, managers and executives. They also supported the Future Jobs, Skills and Training Forum 2018. Through all these, they have been a proactive partner of the Labour Movement.

Nominated by U Future Leaders

Comfort Transportation Pte Ltd & CityCab Pte Ltd (Partner of Labour Movement)

As the largest player in the taxi industry, ComfortDelGro Taxi collaborated with NTUC's e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) to establish TransportSG – a centre to facilitate the testing and certification of locals to obtain vocational driving licences. With the aim of attracting and retaining drivers, the taxi operator piloted the Work Immersion Programme with e2i to promote upskilling for taxi drivers. The programme supports locals on a 12-day (up to 96 hours) work trial to gain insights and training. ComfortDelGro is also willing to invest in the knowledge and skillsets of their drivers, and reward new drivers with monetary incentives upon completion of the immersion programme.

Nominated by NTUC's e2i (Employment and Employability Institute)