May Day 2007 - Labour Movement for All
18 April 2007
Media Release
1. May Day this year promises to be a truly refreshing and inclusive celebration for all workers and their families, as the entire suite of May Day activities for this year will see over 30,000 people coming together to celebrate the contributions of Singapore's workforce.
2. In line with the vision of Labour Movement 2011?(LM 2011) which the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) unveiled last year, workers of different ages, collars and nationalities can look forward to participating in various activities specially catered for them.
3. This ranges from a musical specially put up by Young NTUC for those who enjoy cultural performances, to an outing that will bring together workers of all nationalities to celebrate their contribution to Singapore's economy. There will also be an exciting and fun-filled carnival where there will be games and entertainment for all ages. (For the summary of May Day 2007 events, please refer to appendix 1)
4. Speaking at the May Day 2007 press conference this morning to unveil the exciting line up of May Day activities, Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, Director of NTUC's Quality Worklife Department who is co-chairing the May Day 2007 Organising Committee said,?LM 2011 is a vision that all in the NTUC family are moving towards. Hence, for this year's May Day celebration, our activities aim to cater to all collars of workers and their families as they take time off work to enjoy themselves. This is the one time in the year that we in the Labour Movement take the opportunity to recognise the efforts of the workforce in Singapore. We hope that the range of activities for this year will make May Day 2007 most memorable.
5. Aptly, the theme for this year's May Day is Labour Movement for all. This theme conveys the desire of the labour movement to continue as a relevant, useful and active partner to all sectors of workers and their families.
6. Ms Irene Ng, Director of NTUC's Special Projects Department and co-Chairman of May Day 2007 said, NTUC aims to build an inclusive labour movement. With an inclusive labour movement, we aim to have a united labour movement that cares for all workers whether they are at work or at play.
May Day Dinner and May Day Awards Presentation
7. May Day 2007 celebrations will kick off with the traditional May Day Dinner and Awards Presentation on 29 April 2007, at Suntec City Convention Centre. This year, the highest honour for the May Day Awards, the Distinguished Comrade of Labour will be presented to former Secretary-General of NTUC, Mr Lim Boon Heng. Mr Lim, who is currently Minister, Prime Minister's Office will also be the Guest of Honour for this event. (For citation of Mr Lim, please refer to appendix 2)
8. In recognition of their contribution to the Labour Movement, 57 awardees from the tripartite sectors will be presented May Day Awards this year.
May Day Rally and Musical
9. On May Day itself, 1,600 union leaders and tripartite representatives will gather at the University Cultural Centre, National University of Singapore to reaffirm their commitment to work together to improve the lives of workers in Singapore. Immediately after the Rally, they will watch Young NTUC's performing arts group p.L.a.Y! (or Performing with Love, by Active Youths!) present their very first musical - A Labour of Love. The Guest of Honour for this back to back event will be Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. (For write-up on A Labour of Love, please refer to appendix 3)
May Day Carnival and Model Workers' Award Presentation
10. This year's Model Workers' Award celebrates an inclusive workforce. 195 workers representing 75 occupations from across 24 sectors will receive the award this year. The workers have been selected for their resilience to overcome obstacles to return to the workforce, belief in re-training and skills upgrading, excellent work performances and exemplary attitude. Besides these outstanding workers, companies which have made exceptional efforts in enhancing workers' employability will be commended at the ceremony.
11. On the same day as the Model Workers 'Award Presentation, more than 20,000 union members and their family members will enjoy a fun-filled carnival at Downtown East. Co-hosting this event are the 12 social enterprises from the NTUC family (9 NTUC cooperatives, NTUC Club, NTUC Link and NTUC LearningHub). Members of the public may find themselves walking away with fantastic prizes contributed by our family of NTUC social enterprises. The Guest of Honour for Model Workers' Award Presentation and May Day carnival is Mr Lim Boon Heng, Minister, Prime Minister's Office.
May Day Outing for All Nationalities
12. Foreign workers and foreign talent have become part and parcel of the Singapore workforce and contribute to the economy. Traditionally, the labour movement has always shown its appreciation to foreign workers by hosting them at places of interest in Singapore. This year, in line with the introduction of the All Nationalities Dragonboat under LM 2011, NTUC will re-name this event as May Day Outing for All Nationalities and the event will be extended to include foreign talent as well. On 13 May, over 8,000 workers from around the world, including foreign professionals, will be invited to the Singapore Zoo. The Guest of Honour for this event is Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State for Trade and Industry. This is to show recognition for their contribution to the Singapore economy.
May Day Outing for Elderly and Children
13. In line with LM2011 Care and Share Dragonboat, NTUC will be hosting an outing for 800 elderly from the Old Folks' Homes and 400 underprivileged children on 19 May. The elderly will have the chance to visit the National Museum of Singapore, Tian Hock Keng Temple, Kampong Glam or Sultan Mosque, coupled with a Bum Boat ride along Singapore River. As for the children, some of them will visit the Snow City and Singapore Science Centre, while the rest will spend their day having fun in Wild Wild Wet. These activities not only reflect that labour movement is an inclusive movement for all ages, it also shows that the labour movement is a caring friend to the needy. Guest of Honour for this event will be Minister of State for Education, RAdm (NS) Lui Tuck Yew.
A word of thanks for our partners
14. As part of their social contributions to the labour movement, four NTUC social enterprises - NTUC FairPrice, Singapore Labour Foundation, NTUC Club and NTUC Income are the main supporting partners for this year's May Day events. Other supporting partners include Singapore Workforce Development Agency, Singapore Pools, F&N Coca-Cola and Gardenia Singapore. We thank them for their kind and generous support, without which, May Day 2007 would not have been possible.
For media queries, please contact:
Chong Yan Cheng (Ms)
Corporate Communications Department
National Trades Union Congress
DID 6213 8190
HP 9797 8985
Fax 6327 3749
About National Trades Union Congress
The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) is a national federation of trade unions of workers in the industrial, service and public sectors representing about 480,000 workers in Singapore. It has 63 trade unions and six associations affiliated to it. NTUC? objectives are to help Singapore stay competitive and workers to remain employable for life; to enhance the social status and well-being of workers and to build a strong, responsible and caring labour movement.
Appendix 1
Summary of May Day 2007 Events
Event: May Day Dinner and Awards Presentation
GOH: Mr Lim Boon Heng
Date: 29 Apr (Sun)
Venue: Suntec Convention Centre
The highest honour for May Day Awards Presentation will be presented to former Secretary-General of NTUC, Mr Lim Boon Heng. In total, 57 May Day Awards will be presented to deserving awardees.
Event: May Day Rally and Musical
GOH: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
Date: 1 May (Tues)
Venue: University Cultural Centre, NUS
1,600 tripartite partners will reaffirm their commitments to workers in the May Day Rally. A special feature of this May Day Activity is the first Musical put up by Young NTUC's p.L.a.Y! Group.
Event: May Day Model Workers?Award Presentation
GOH: Mr Lim Boon Heng
Date: 12 May (Sat)
Venue: Downtown East
195 workers representing 75 occupations from across 24 sectors will receive the May Day Award this year.
Event: May Day Carnival
GOH: Mr Lim Boon Heng
Date: 12 May (Sat)
Venue: Downtown East
Union members and their families will find themselves enjoying and understanding more of NTUC's social enterprises at a fun-filled May Day carnival.
Event: May Day Outing for All Nationalities
GOH: Mr Lee Yi Shyan
Date: 13 May (Sun)
Venue: Singapore Zoo
To show recognition for the foreign workers who have contributed to our Singapore economy.
Event: May Day Outing for Elderly and Children
GOH: RAdm (NS) Lui Tuck Yew
Date: 19 May (Sat)
Venue: Various locations
800 elderly and 400 children will join in this outing to various places of interest in Singapore. This activity shows the labour movement's care for the underprivileged and also that NTUC is an inclusive movement for all ages.
Appendix 2
May Day Awards 2007
Distinguished Comrade of Labour Award
Citation of Mr Lim Boon Heng
This year, the National Trades Union Congress is proud to honour a very special leader in the labour movement.
Brother Lim Boon Heng served in the labour movement for 26 years; the last 13 years as NTUC's Secretary-General.
Brother Lim Boon Heng belongs to the generation of union leaders that implemented what the Founding Fathers laid in place. The first generation of union leaders envisioned and articulated the practice of tripartism. The second generation, like Brother Lim Boon Heng, translated ideals into practice. In Brother Lim Boon Heng's own words, he lived the dream of the Founding Fathers. He helped put in place the win-win-win relationship among workers, employers, and government that has become a Hallmark of Singapore's economic policy, and a secret weapon in Singapore's competitive edge.
Brother Lim Boon Heng played a key role in building trust among tripartite partners in the tumultuous 1990s when Singapore was rocked by recessions, job losses, and economic restructuring. His quiet leadership brought unions to the negotiating table to accept wage cuts in painful times. In good times, he pressed government to restore wages. Workers are fortunate to have in Brother Lim Boon Heng a labour leader who has the ear and trust of the government at the highest levels.
A principled, never populist leader, Brother Lim Boon Heng is known among union leaders for speaking the truth, even when it hurts. His is a pro-worker, pro-business approach. Many union leaders soon came to know that his pet phrase is that the best welfare for a worker is a job. Brother Lim Boon Heng correctly diagnosed the problems of an inflexible and seniority-based wage structure, and worked relentlessly to create a flexible wage system so that as many jobs as possible could be preserved during difficult economic times.
He was tireless in pushing for continuing education and training for workers. His efforts transformed worker training into a national priority. Today, workers understand that they have to be resilient and employable by acquiring new skills to keep their competitive edge. The government and employers are also committed to investing in worker training.
Brother Lim Boon Heng also came up with the idea of re-designing jobs, to raise productivity and help workers raise their wages. Today, job redesign is also well-accepted.
Brother Lim Boon Heng contributed substantially to the growth of the NTUC Cooperatives. Under his leadership, the reach and impact of the cooperatives and social enterprises of the labour movement has grown, serving more than 1.5 million customers with a turnover of about $3 billion every year. Cooperatives have helped improve the lives of millions of Singaporeans, by offering a range of services at affordable prices to moderate the excesses of the free market, in areas from supermarkets, to insurance, to housing and childcare.
During his tenure, the NTUC grew from strength to strength. Union membership bucked international trends and doubled from about 230,000 in 1993 to about 460,000 in 2006. But numbers alone do not tell the full story. The labour movement is better prepared and more resilient today to tackle problems of a more educated, globalising workforce, such as the growth in numbers of contract workers, casual workers and foreign workers.
Those who have worked with Brother Lim Boon Heng know he evinces quiet leadership by example. He does not speak loudly or carry a stick, but leads by example and through moral suasion, spending time persuading people to do the right thing. He is patient, persistent and persuasive, and has inspired hundreds if not thousands, of capable staff and union leaders, as well as corporate executives, to work together for workers' benefit.
The labour movement would be poorer without Brother Lim Boon Heng's stellar contributions. We are all grateful that he moved from the private sector where he had a promising career in shipping management, to the labour movement.
The labour movement thanks Brother Lim Boon Heng for his service and his exemplary leadership, which is an inspiration to all.
Appendix 3
A story of love set against the epic backdrop of the Labour Movement
1 "A Labour of Love" - A love story between unionist Ah Keong and his beloved Mei Ling set against the epic backdrop of the National Trades Union Congress' founding in 1961 till present day Singapore, living through their challenges and struggles for the good of their fellow workers.
2 The first musical by Young NTUC's performance arts group p.L.a.Y! (Performing with Love, by Active Youths!), A Labour of Love is a contemporary pop piece which explores the love, friendship and camaraderie of the unsung heroes who took up the challenges of trade union work. Set against the expansive backdrop of the Labour Movement's history through time and activities, it is, above all, a love story of two persons who are dedicated to each other, knowing that they will always be there for each other.
3 The musical will feature 27 aspiring and enthusiastic performers, aged 17 to 57 from p.L.a.Y!. Ah Keong will be played by Spencer Tan who has been singing in the church choir since he was 12 years old. Mei Ling will be played by Selly Marina who started singing at the age of two.
Date and Time
The musical will be presented on the following dates and time:
a) 30 April 2007, Monday, 8.00 pm (Tickets sold out)
b) 1 May 2007, Tuesday, 4.30 pm (By invitation only)
c) 2 May 2007, Wednesday, 3.30 pm (By invitation only)
d) 2 May 2007, Wednesday, 8.00 pm (Tickets sold out, except Category 3)
The musical will be presented at the University Cultural Centre, 50, Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119279
Ticket Prices
The ticket prices for the musical (Additional $2 TicketCharge fee is payable) are:
a) Category 1: $60
b) Category 2: $40
c) Category 3: $20
Union Members and OCBC Card Members enjoy special discounts for the musical.