At a ceremony held on 14 October 2017, the Singapore Maritime Officers' Union (SMOU) presented scholarship and bursary awards to 47 members’ children.
The NTUC U Care Education Co-Funding Scheme supported 50 per cent of the bursary awards amount. A total of $29,300 was disbursed to the recipients.
Separately, SMOU’s social enterprise, Wavelink Co-Operative, also rewarded 21 members’ children with $9,600 worth of Wavelink Book Awards.
Going Beyond
The annual event also saw extended financial support towards families of members who have passed on. Through a new award category, three children of late members received $1,000 worth of bursaries under the SMOU Care Fund.
Another highlight of this year’s event was the option for eligible members to donate their NTUC U65+ membership rebates to a charitable organisation of SMOU’s choice. More than 200 SMOU members supported the initiative, raising over $10,000 for Make-A-Wish (Singapore) which grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions.
“I’m very proud of our executive committee and SMOU members who live out our union’s core value of care and share,” said SMOU General Secretary Mary Liew.
The Beneficiary's Story
Secondary One student Madan Saravanapavan was born with a condition that hinders regular body growth. With poorly functioning kidneys that are progressively degenerating, it is difficult for him to use a manual wheelchair and perform daily tasks independently.
Through the Make-A-Wish donation, SMOU fulfilled Madan’s dream of a motorised wheelchair and personally delivered it to his home in early July 2017. To help him with his studies, SMOU also surprised him with a new laptop at the event.
He shared: “I can now move about freely in school and spend quality time with my mum outdoors. I would like to thank SMOU and the donors for their compassion.”
Madan, who was present at the awards ceremony, also joined the guided tour to the Wavelink Maritime Institute’s state-of-the-art simulation centre, where visitors experienced different weather conditions and ship manoeuvring techniques.