Model ID: 2cf841d6-24d5-4e5d-aef0-2c9488ea5529
Sitecore Context Id: 2cf841d6-24d5-4e5d-aef0-2c9488ea5529;
The Migrant Workers’ Centre (MWC) noted that the Managing Director of Lian Lee Wooden Case Maker Co Pte Ltd was convicted in the State Courts for the collection of kickbacks from 20 of his workers. Below is the response from Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, Chairman of MWC, for your reporting please.
“We note that Mr Ng Boon Cheng, the Managing Director of Lian Lee Wooden Case Maker Co Pte Ltd was convicted in the State Courts yesterday for the collection of kickbacks amounting to more than $90,000 from 20 of his workers in return for continued work permit employment with his firm.
MWC refers all cases where elements of kickback collection are made out to the authorities for investigation. We are heartened that the authorities have acted swiftly to punish the offender in this instance and are particularly encouraged by the fact that all the collected monies were returned to the victimized workers. It is critical in our view, that protection and care of the victim’s interests is treated with the same importance and urgency as taking the offender to task.
The collection of kickbacks, or the requiring of payments of money (whether up front in cash, or through subsequent deductions to salary) from migrant workers in return for application or renewal of work permits or any other employment benefit or opportunity is exploitative and must be universally rejected. MWC urges the relevant authorities to step up their enforcement effort. We strongly suggest that the authorities also strengthen the punishment accorded to kickback collection by our laws to include mandatory imprisonment, based on the significant hardship and stress caused to victims of this serious offence.”