Model ID: 0d50cb88-bdbf-4bdc-b303-57ba988d1fa7 Sitecore Context Id: 0d50cb88-bdbf-4bdc-b303-57ba988d1fa7;

Looking Out For PMEs

Apart from the U Associate Programme, here are NTUC’s other initiatives to include PMEs into its fold
Model ID: 0d50cb88-bdbf-4bdc-b303-57ba988d1fa7 Sitecore Context Id: 0d50cb88-bdbf-4bdc-b303-57ba988d1fa7;
By Shukry Rashid 30 Jan 2015
Model ID: 0d50cb88-bdbf-4bdc-b303-57ba988d1fa7 Sitecore Context Id: 0d50cb88-bdbf-4bdc-b303-57ba988d1fa7;


Singapore’s workforce has seen the number of Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs) increasing over the years. In 2013, there were over 638,500 PMEs comprising 31.1% of the resident workforce, up from 27.4% in 2003.


This number is set to grow even further as 2 in 3 workers in Singapore are expected to be PMEs in the year 2030, forming the majority of the workforce.


As such, it is pertinent that the Labour Movement remains relevant as it forms various initiatives to include PMEs into its fold.


PME Chapters


NTUC initiated the PME chapters in its affiliated unions to further develop and penetrate the growing PME labour demographic. The development of the PME chapters and communities creates inroads into the PME market for all industries within the unionised sector.


The PME chapters are used as a platform for the unions to reach out to both PME union members and non-members through various targeted outreaches such as events, benefits, networking, professional development programme and advocacy. 


In terms of professional development, chapters and communities in the unions work with various partners such as the Devan Nair e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) and NTUC LearningHub to identify relevant workshops, courses and seminars for PMEs. The chapters may also work with relevant partners like e2i and U PME centres to look into job opportunities for PMEs who require work placement services.


U PME Centres


The decision to establish PME centres by NTUC was announced during the Ordinary Delegates Conference in 2013. These centres aim to deepen the engagement and assistance to PMEs. They will also be a one-stop centre to assist and reach out to PMEs in Singapore.


In 2014, three U PME Centres were established. They are located at e2i, NTUC Centre, and a PME internet portal.


The U PME Centres anchor on the 4Ps proposition – Protection, Progression, Placement and Privileges. The centres synergise the proposition, from workplace advisory services to career and employment-related advice, and also professional development services. They also work in partnership with various NTUC entities.


All PMEs are welcomed to these U PME Centres.


Source: NTUC This Week
