Model ID: 2e93603b-9db5-428e-aac6-01a7064efb14 Sitecore Context Id: 2e93603b-9db5-428e-aac6-01a7064efb14;

Look What’s in Store on the 2020 LM Calendar!

Here’s a list of events happening in and around the Labour Movement this year! (Exact dates to be confirmed)
Model ID: 2e93603b-9db5-428e-aac6-01a7064efb14 Sitecore Context Id: 2e93603b-9db5-428e-aac6-01a7064efb14;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 16 Jan 2020
Model ID: 2e93603b-9db5-428e-aac6-01a7064efb14 Sitecore Context Id: 2e93603b-9db5-428e-aac6-01a7064efb14;

Here’s a glimpse into the top things we should all be keeping a lookout for this year. (Disclaimer: Dates are tentative and subject to change)


1. Lunar New Year Celebrations (25 - 26 Jan)

This year, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat together with other ministers will join the Labour Movement to extend thanks and appreciation in person to our workers who sacrifice their public holidays to keep our nation going. Watch out for our coverage, and have a Happy Lunar New Year!


2. Budget 2020 (18 Feb)

Budget 2019 dished out quite a fair bit of goodies. From the Bicentennial Bonus and Merdeka Generation Package to medical subsidies like the enhancement to CHAS and the establishment of the Long-Term Care Support Fund. We will be keeping our eyes peeled and ears open to see what our Labour Ministers in Parliament will be pushing for to ensure better wages, welfare and work prospects for all workers.


3. NTUC May Day Celebrations (Month of May)

What is a calendar of events without the inclusion of our annual May Day celebration? With events like the May Day Rally, May Day Awards and May Day Fiesta, let us come together to celebrate and honour all working people, because #everyworkermatters!


4. National Wages Council (NWC) Recommendations (End of May)

Formed by the Government in February 1972, the NWC is a tripartite advisory body on wage adjustments and established as a solution to stabilise the labour market.

Last year, the NWC recommended that all employers offer structured training for their employees, have built-in wage increments for companies that have done well and have good business prospects, and that employers grant low-wage workers a built-in wage increase in the form of a dollar quantum and a percentage, just to name a few.

It will be interesting to see what new recommendations the NWC comes up with next.


5. National Day Observance Ceremony 2020 (9 Aug)

Join us as we celebrate our nation’s birthday at this year's Labour Movement National Day Observance Ceremony as one family!

An event filled with good food, fun and games awaits! We look forward to welcoming all of you as we wish Singapore a Happy Birthday!


6. International Migrants Day (18 Dec)

The United Nations (UN) International Migrants Day is held annually on December 18, to recognise the efforts, contributions, and rights of migrants worldwide.

In Singapore, we celebrate the contributions of our migrant workers, expressing our gratitude for their sacrifice and hard work. Join us this December 18th in thanking our foreign friends.