Model ID: 6ea42867-cfb6-4a9a-be2c-db12ba436ebc Sitecore Context Id: 6ea42867-cfb6-4a9a-be2c-db12ba436ebc;

Linking members with the Labour Movement

Facebook page acts as a platform to engage members and gather feedback.
Model ID: 6ea42867-cfb6-4a9a-be2c-db12ba436ebc Sitecore Context Id: 6ea42867-cfb6-4a9a-be2c-db12ba436ebc;
By Muneerah Bee Mohamed Iqbal 24 Jun 2011
Model ID: 6ea42867-cfb6-4a9a-be2c-db12ba436ebc Sitecore Context Id: 6ea42867-cfb6-4a9a-be2c-db12ba436ebc;

When her sister told her about the contest on NTUC’s Membership Department’s Facebook page (, Norhanah Eksan thought she would just give it a try. The contest was simple enough. All she had to do was vote for her favourite U Privilege on the Facebook page and with every vote, she stood a chance to win the top prize of one million LinkPoints.

It came as a big surprise to her when she was picked as the winner of the grand prize, describing it in one word: “Awesome!” The Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) member of more than 20 years is no stranger to LinkPoints and NTUC Membership. 

She said: “Practically every weekend, I go to NTUC FairPrice because that is when I do the shopping. It’s very convenient with the NTUC membership card because whenever you make a certain amount of payment you can use your LinkPoints to offset.” It goes without saying that Madam Norhanah looks forward to spending her LinkPoints for her shopping needs.

Instead giving away a specific prize, NTUC’s Membership Department decided to award LinkPoints as the top prize to give the winner the choice to use them accordingly. NTUC Competency Director (Membership) Vivek Kumar said: “LinkPoints can be easily redeemed at over 900 participating merchant outlets island-wide for a range of products and services. We are putting power in the hands of our members by allowing them to choose the prize that they wish for with the flexibility of LinkPoints!”

The online contest, held from 28 April to 31 May 2011 and opened to NTUC and non-NTUC members, was a part of the ‘Truth & Dare to the Power of U’ campaign in May 2011 in celebration of NTUC’s 50th Anniversary this year. 

The Facebook page has also served as a platform to engage members and gather their feedback. Mr Kumar shared: “Requests to extend U Privileges started pouring in on our Facebook page even before the Universal Studio Singapore® (USS) offer ended in May. Bowing to their wish, we engaged our partners at USS and they agreed to offer 20 per cent off on all entry tickets to NTUC members till 31 July 2011. Within two weeks of the extension, over 10,000 members have already enjoyed the privilege.”

We initiated our relationship with the cyber community by fans ‘liking’ our Facebook page and posting comments on the wall. We have now enhanced our engagement to a higher level; engage with our members and fans by listening to them and responding with relevant action. This is one way to strengthen the bond between NTUC and our members.

NTUC Competency Director (Membership) Vivek Kumar
