Model ID: b0177891-4359-4bd2-8b6f-8927309f398a Sitecore Context Id: b0177891-4359-4bd2-8b6f-8927309f398a;

Launch of Tripartite Standard on Recruitment Practices

Have you ever been discriminated against while applying for a job? The new Tripartite Standard on Recruitment Practices aims to make things fairer for you.
Model ID: b0177891-4359-4bd2-8b6f-8927309f398a Sitecore Context Id: b0177891-4359-4bd2-8b6f-8927309f398a;
By and Photo Shukry Rashid 16 Nov 2017
Model ID: b0177891-4359-4bd2-8b6f-8927309f398a Sitecore Context Id: b0177891-4359-4bd2-8b6f-8927309f398a;

The Tripartite Standard on Recruitment Practices (TSRP) was launched by Second Minister for Manpower Josephine Teo on 16 November 2017 at the Grand Hyatt Singapore Hotel.

“Adopting fair, merit-based and inclusive hiring practices are not only the right thing to do, it also benefits the organisations by widening the pool of candidates to recruit from,” she said.

More than 110 companies are early adopters of the TSRP (see below for details), of which over 90 per cent are unionised.

Desmond Choo, an NTUC director, said: “The Labour Movement would like to urge all companies, especially unionised companies and small and medium-sized enterprises, to adopt the TSRP. We believe the adoption of progressive hiring practices is a strategic competitive advantage for companies in the competition for talent.

He added that having fair and inclusive workplaces for everyone will be advantageous for Singapore in maintaining talent and help companies attract and retain workers in the long term.

The TSRP is the fourth standard launched by the tripartite partners since July. The previous three are on term contract workers, flexible work arrangements and grievance handling. Close to 500 companies employing about 360,000 employees have pledged to commit to at least one Tripartite Standard.

Upgrading HR Professionals

Also taking place at the event was a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signing session between the Institute for Human Resource Professionals (IHRP) and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), a professional association for human resource management professionals from the United Kingdom.

The first such an agreement in Asia for CIPD, the MOU will allow certified HR professionals from IHRP and CIPD to be recognised by both bodies upon fulfilling the agreed respective considerations. Both bodies have also developed a set of competencies that are needed for future-ready HR professionals.

Through this MOU, both organisations will commit to cultivating the growth, mobility and continuing professional development of HR professionals.

Mastercard Singapore Vice President for Talent Management Rajan Krishnakumar is one such professional who has received mutual recognition by IHRP and CIPD. He said that when HR professionals get accredited by both IHRP and CIPD, they will get better credibility within the market and recognition as a global talent.

He added: “CIPD is recognised globally. For HR professionals aspiring to be future chief HR officers, having CIPD recognition will go a long way in helping them achieve that.”

For more information on the Tripartite Standard, click here