Model ID: 12094a43-9ab6-4558-bf0a-cbc0f83d4675 Sitecore Context Id: 12094a43-9ab6-4558-bf0a-cbc0f83d4675;

Launch of Inaugural NTUC Women Interactive Series (WISE)

With more women returning to the workforce, there is a greater need for more engagement with women affiliates
Model ID: 12094a43-9ab6-4558-bf0a-cbc0f83d4675 Sitecore Context Id: 12094a43-9ab6-4558-bf0a-cbc0f83d4675;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 12094a43-9ab6-4558-bf0a-cbc0f83d4675 Sitecore Context Id: 12094a43-9ab6-4558-bf0a-cbc0f83d4675;

LAunch of Inaugural NTUC Women Interactive Series (WISE)

20 February 2008 

Media Release

1 With more women returning to the workforce, there is a greater need for more engagement with women affiliates – union leaders and members, working women, women back-to-work, and women associations – to increase the awareness and dialogue of the many current issues faced by working women, and how it is necessary for them to know their rights and responsibilities in society, at the workplace and at home.

2 With this in mind, the NTUC Women’s Development Secretariat (WDS), formerly the NTUC Women’s Committee, together with Legal Services Department have initiated NTUC WISEWomen Interactive Series – a series of events aimed to deepen the engagement and increase networking and interaction with women on various topics that are close to their hearts.  This platform will provide a voice for the aspirations and concerns of working women, and WDS can monitor trends and make recommendations to improve women’s welfare and employment.  NTUC also aims to help develop and strengthen the leadership capabilities of women leaders to ensure a more effective integration of women at all levels of decision-making.

3 NTUC WISE will cover various topics such as a dialogue series on CPF Minimum Sum top-ups for spouses (in April), continuing education and training, healthcare and ageing issues.  The series will also cover legal aspects such as the Penal Code and Employment Act.  This is in addition to WDS’ managing programmes and work initiatives such as the ’30 Minutes To Work’ initiative launched in November last year, the Flexi Works! fund for companies to recruit new workers on part time and flexi-work arrangement, and promoting Work Life Harmony initiatives to unionised companies.

4 NTUC WISE was launched by Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, Minister of State, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, who was Guest-of-Honour at the inaugural series on 20 February 2008.  The theme of the evening was "Celebrating Women – Challenges, Opportunities and Responsibilities". Guest speaker, Ms Foo Siew Fong, President of the Singapore Association of Women Lawyers, gave a talk on the Rights and Responsibilities under the Women’s Charter and highlighted issues pertaining to custody, care and control, the duty of parents to maintain their children, and the availability of personal protection orders for victims of family violence.

5 Women form an integral part of Singapore’s society and have made great strides over the last 10 years.  Today, they are better educated and more are joining the workforce.  However, there are still challenges faced by women in Singapore in fulfilling both economic and traditional roles.  Working women face a great challenge to balance the competing priorities of work and family.  The employment rate for women begins to decline soon after hitting the peak at the age group of 25 to 29, indicating that some women may have chosen to withdraw from the workforce, possibly to take care of the family.  Some of those who subsequently want to return to the workforce might lack the relevant skills.  With NTUC WISE, WDS hopes to bridge the communication and social gaps.

For more information on NTUC WISE, please contact NTUC Women’s Development Secretariat at 6213 8573 or email

Mdm Halimah Yacob
Deputy Secretary-General, NTUC
Director, NTUC Women’s Development Secretariat


