Model ID: ac12c9f7-6b3d-4044-9c99-1935ce53a8b4 Sitecore Context Id: ac12c9f7-6b3d-4044-9c99-1935ce53a8b4;

Labour Movement's Dialogue with Prime Minister

Some 550 union leaders, staff from the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and NTUC Social Enterprises, as well as representatives from the Labour Movement Communities, attended the dialogue organised by the Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute.
Model ID: ac12c9f7-6b3d-4044-9c99-1935ce53a8b4 Sitecore Context Id: ac12c9f7-6b3d-4044-9c99-1935ce53a8b4;
29 Aug 2014
Model ID: ac12c9f7-6b3d-4044-9c99-1935ce53a8b4 Sitecore Context Id: ac12c9f7-6b3d-4044-9c99-1935ce53a8b4;

The Labour Movement shared its views and concerns over a wide range of issues with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong during a closed-door dialogue session held today at the NTUC Auditorium. Some 550 union leaders, staff from the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and NTUC Social Enterprises, as well as representatives from the Labour Movement Communities, attended the dialogue organised by the Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute.

During the session, Prime Minister Lee, Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin and Minister of State for National Development Desmond Lee responded to various views and concerns raised by the union leaders and NTUC staff. On the panel with them were NTUC President Diana Chia, NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say and NTUC Deputy Secretary-General Heng Chee How.

Among the issues raised, four key topics – recognition of the Pioneer Generation, better career progression opportunities for workers who are non-graduates, Central Provident Fund (CPF), and re-employment – took centre stage.

Union leaders thanked the Government for recognising our Pioneer Generation who helped to build Singapore into a vibrant, stable country. The PG Package introduced by the Government has helped to ease the burden of medical expenses for our Pioneer Generation. It will also lighten the financial burden on their children.

Union leaders applauded the shift of focus from academic qualifications to mastery of skills for workers, as it would benefit workers who are not highly-educated but possess much experience and competency in their jobs. With the set-up of the Applied Study in Polytechnics and ITE Review (ASPIRE) Committee, union leaders hoped that the committee will work towards providing a parallel pathway for both degree holders and workers who are non-graduates to progress in their careers; and that both will be given fair opportunities during promotions.

There are also wide spread views on the ground that the CPF is an effective scheme to help Singaporeans save for their retirement. However, on the issue of withdrawal of the CPF, some questioned the practicality of allowing further withdrawal of the CPF savings when retirement adequacy is an issue, while some requested for earlier draw down of CPF savings for other purposes at age 55. Despite the varied responses on the withdrawal of CPF savings, union leaders are heartened that the Government is constantly reviewing the scheme to meet the changing needs of our workers. They also recognised that having the opportunity to work longer is the most effective way to best prepare them for retirement. Hence, their call for re-employment beyond the age of 65.

The unionised sector is committed to take the lead in encouraging employers to extend the re-employment of workers upon reaching the re-employment age of 65. Union leaders also urged the Government to do likewise for the public sector employees. They also expressed hope that the Government can provide incentives for private sector employers to employ their workers beyond the age of 65 on a voluntary basis, until such time when legislation to raise re-employment age beyond 65 is in place.

The union leaders found the dialogue session with Prime Minister useful and informative, and enabled them to better explain these key issues to their fellow workers at the workplace.

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