Model ID: fd8a516a-c273-4244-b9d1-b337116679ca Sitecore Context Id: fd8a516a-c273-4244-b9d1-b337116679ca;

Labour Movement welcomes Special Select Committee’s Nomination of Brother K Karthikeyan for Appointment as Nominated Member of Parliament

The Special Select Committee of Parliament has announced the list of nine Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) nominees, including Mr K Karthikeyan, Vice-President of the NTUC Central Committee and General Secretary of the United Workers of Petroleum Industry, for appointment as NMP.
Model ID: fd8a516a-c273-4244-b9d1-b337116679ca Sitecore Context Id: fd8a516a-c273-4244-b9d1-b337116679ca;
13 Aug 2014
Model ID: fd8a516a-c273-4244-b9d1-b337116679ca Sitecore Context Id: fd8a516a-c273-4244-b9d1-b337116679ca;

The Special Select Committee of Parliament has announced the list of nine Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP)nominees, including Mr KKarthikeyan, Vice-President of the NTUC Central Committee and General Secretary of the United Workers of Petroleum Industry, for appointment as NMP by the President of Singapore on 26 August 2014 for a two and a half year term.

In response, NTUC President Diana Chia and Chairman of NTUC Nominated Member of Parliament Selection Panel Committee, said:

“The National Trades Union Congress welcomes the Special Select Committee of Parliament’s nomination of veteran union leader Mr K Karthikeyan, Vice-President of the NTUC Central Committee and General Secretary of the United Workers of Petroleum Industry, to the President of Singapore for appointment as a Nominated Member of Parliament.  As a caring and dedicated union leader, he will speak up for workers’ interests and welfare in the Parliament so as to help them at their workplace and achieve a better life for themselves and their families ultimately.”
