Model ID: adc8dfa9-f475-46f3-a3b5-455307d87593 Sitecore Context Id: adc8dfa9-f475-46f3-a3b5-455307d87593;

Labour Movement welcomes Introduction of Protection from Harassment Bill

The Labour Movement welcomes this new Bill as it will offer greater protection to workers in their workplaces.
Model ID: adc8dfa9-f475-46f3-a3b5-455307d87593 Sitecore Context Id: adc8dfa9-f475-46f3-a3b5-455307d87593;
04 Mar 2014
Model ID: adc8dfa9-f475-46f3-a3b5-455307d87593 Sitecore Context Id: adc8dfa9-f475-46f3-a3b5-455307d87593;

The Ministry of Law has introduced the new Protection from Harassment Bill in Parliament today which seeks to provide a range of self-help measures, civil remedies and criminal sanctions to better protect people from harassment, distress and related anti-social behaviour.

The Labour Movement welcomes this new Bill as it will offer greater protection to workers in their workplaces. We are heartened that this protection will also be extended to workers who deliver 'public service'. This may include workers in public healthcare, public transport and other services essential to the well-being of the public or functioning of Singapore.

Better protection for working people at their workplace is something the Labour Movement has been advocating in recent years with questions raised by Labour Members of Parliament in Parliament. To increase awareness on workers’ rights over harassment at the workplace, a legal primer was previously organised in July 2013 and another upcoming one planned on 21 March this year.

We will work with our tripartite partners to educate both employers and workers on this topic of harassment, and continue to ensure that our companies put in place the proper grievance handling procedures and guidelines to deal with such issues.

Mr Patrick Tay Teck Guan
Assistant Secretary-General
National Trades Union Congress
