Model ID: f9ac135a-87e2-450f-a4ad-412b34a3296f Sitecore Context Id: f9ac135a-87e2-450f-a4ad-412b34a3296f;

Labour Movement sponsors $1.5 Million worth of Family Fun Fiesta Packages for lower-income union members and families

Formerly known as the Family Recreation & Fun (FRF) carnival, NTUC Club has renamed its meaningful annual event Family Fun Fiesta (F3) this year. NTUC Club will hold three runs of the F3 for lower-income union members.
Model ID: f9ac135a-87e2-450f-a4ad-412b34a3296f Sitecore Context Id: f9ac135a-87e2-450f-a4ad-412b34a3296f;
17 Jul 2016
Model ID: f9ac135a-87e2-450f-a4ad-412b34a3296f Sitecore Context Id: f9ac135a-87e2-450f-a4ad-412b34a3296f;
Formerly known as the Family Recreation & Fun (FRF) carnival, NTUC Club has renamed its meaningful annual event Family Fun Fiesta (F3) this year. NTUC Club will hold three runs of the F3 for lower-income union members. The first run will kick-start on 17 July 2016 at Downtown East with Special Guest Mary Liew, President of National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) joining the occasion. 

The F3 is organised and sponsored by NTUC Club, in support of the Labour Movement's U Care initiative. F3 was first started in 2008 and through its annual runs, NTUC Club has been contributing $1.5 million worth of sponsorship to reach out to some 10,000 lower-income union members. The $1.5 million sponsorship also kick-starts the Labour Movement’s fundraising efforts to raise $10.5 million this year to continue assisting our low-income members and their families.
"We are pleased to provide our union members and their families with opportunities to unwind as well as to bond together by taking care of their well-being through our F3 weekends. These F3 carnivals at Downtown East have helped reach out to many low-income members and enabling them to achieve a better work-life balance with their families," said Mr Yeo Khee Leng, Chief Executive Officer, NTUC Club.
Among the slew of activities, there will be a special mass family activity titled My Family. My Little Red Dot. The activity will invite families to complete 31 pieces of artwork from local artiste, Mr Edmund Chen’s colouring series - My Little Red Dot. Completed drawings will be put together to form a picture on a huge photo frame. By getting the families to work as one to complete the picture, we hope to foster family togetherness and bonding through this mass activity. 
The mass activity gives a glimpse of the programmes to be offered under LIFT-Up, a new U Care programme that goes beyond financial assistance to our low-income members. Low-Income Families Transitioning-Up or LIFT-Up in short, provides U Care beneficiaries with greater access to a range of educational workshops or parent-child bonding activities. More details on the progammes will be unveiled later.
Mr Zainal Sapari, Assistant Secretary-General and Director, Care and Share Department, NTUC, said, “We are very grateful to NTUC Club for the F3 sponsorship which provides our members and their families with the opportunity to enjoy a day of fun and bonding without having to worry about the cost. This sponsorship gives us a good start towards our fundraising target of $10.5 million this year. With challenging times ahead, the NTUC-U Care Fund will continue to provide assistance to our members in need and we look forward to the continued support from NTUC Club. Beyond financial assistance, we also hope to be able to do more for them through the LIFT-Up programme.”
About Family Fun Fiesta Package
Every year, NTUC Club sponsors each family with a recreational package worth $150 for F3. Every package comprise of admission tickets to Wild Wild Wet, Downtown East vouchers for meals and drinks, playtime at eXplorerkid, bowling games at Orchid Bowl, carnival games and lucky draws. This year, the lucky draw grand prize is a 2 Days 1 Night staycation at D'Resort's Mangrove Walk.
Free shuttle bus services going to and leaving from Downtown East will be provided for members at specific timings. For details on F3 dates and programme, please refer to
Downtown East is undergoing redevelopment to bring members and guests an improved and all-inclusive leisure experience. The first phase of this Refreshing Downtown East project was completed with the opening of D’Resort in July 2015, when NTUC Club further gave out 1,000 free nights’ stay for low-income members and families.