Labour Movement salute triumphs in partnerships
16 May 2009
Media Release
1. Against the backdrop of a deep recession, the Labour Movement recognised strong partnerships between individuals and organisations at the May Day Model Partnership Awards ceremony. This year’s nominations departed from the traditional Model Worker Award, which emphasised on personal achievements on individuals.
2. There will be two awards categories this year, Institutional and Individual. The awards reinforced the need for organisations, such as unions, companies and Government agencies, and individuals, such as workers, trainers, human resource personnel, union and Government officials, to work together to help each other overcome the difficulties of the downturn.
3. At the ceremony, the Labour Movement will show its appreciation to 126 individuals, and another 173 unions, companies and Government agencies. Write ups on selected winners of institutional and individual categories are appended.
4. In line with the theme of the Award this year, the Labour Movement invited three Guests-of-Honour for this event, representing the three key partners in a united tripartism. They are namely, Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong, NTUC President John De Pavya, and Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) Vice President Bob Tan. All three Guests-of-Honours will present a trophy and certificate to the awardees, where some 1,000 guests comprising the awardees, their families, friends and colleagues, union leaders, Industrial Relations officers, employees and employers are expected to attend.
Institutional category
This award recognises institutional partnerships between management, union, workers and the government in helping companies cut cost to save jobs, manage excess manpower, build new capabilities through re-skilling and upgrading, or promote and sustain tripartite initiatives during this downturn. 41 out of the 50 companies receiving the awards today are unionised companies. There will be a total of about 173 awards given out in this category to other stakeholders that have rallied alongside these companies.
Individual category
This award highlights individual partnerships between the worker and those around the workers who helped him or her gain new skills, acquire a new job, or re-enter the workforce. We also recognise the individual model workers amongst us, which have shown resilience and adaptability. In total, 66 awards will be given out this year to about 126 individuals.
Annex A