Model ID: 54c39967-c7df-4184-9130-032197a1cc4b Sitecore Context Id: 54c39967-c7df-4184-9130-032197a1cc4b;

Labour Movement partners Econsultancy to prepare marketing practitioners for changing roles amidst technological disruptions

The global marketing and communications industry is facing a shakeup in the top seats. Chief Marketing Officers are seeing their roles being consolidated into Chief Growth Officers as they take on marketing, strategic and commercial responsibilities.
Model ID: 54c39967-c7df-4184-9130-032197a1cc4b Sitecore Context Id: 54c39967-c7df-4184-9130-032197a1cc4b;
29 Jan 2018
Model ID: 54c39967-c7df-4184-9130-032197a1cc4b Sitecore Context Id: 54c39967-c7df-4184-9130-032197a1cc4b;
Emerging Trend That Is Disrupting the Global Marketing Industry
The global marketing and communications industry is facing a shakeup in the top seats.  Chief Marketing Officers are seeing their roles being consolidated into Chief Growth Officers as they take on marketing, strategic and commercial responsibilities.  Particularly, 2017 saw many global brands such as Coke, Colgate-Pamolive, Mondelez, Hersheys and Kelloggs, jump on this role replacement bandwagon.  The trend is likely to continue in 2018 . 
Given this trend, marketing professionals, especially those holding middle management positions, have to rethink and broaden their marketing functions. It is critical for marketers today to acquire and expand their knowledge in business functions, as well as in-depth proficiency in one or more specialised marketing skills.
Blended Learning Programme - Professional Certificate in Digital Marketing
To prepare our workforce for the rapid evolution of traditional marketing roles, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) has partnered one of our U Associates - Econsultancy Asia Pacific - from the Marketing Services Cluster and NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) to jointly develop the Professional Certificate in Digital Marketing.
This certification programme is a blended learning programme comprising face-to-face workshops, online learnings and competency assessments. Participants will have the opportunity to engage a panel of experienced digital professionals in post-workshop mentoring. They can also take part in a capstone project which allows them to apply what they learn on real-world projects. 
Participants enrolled in the programme will receive up to 70% funding support for the course fees.  NTUC members can also enjoy an additional subsidy of $250 under the Union Training Assistance Programme. In addition, organisations which are looking for new hires can also enjoy salary funding and course fees support under the Place-and-Train programme during the on-the-job training from e2i.
Mr Vivek Kumar, Assistant Director-General, NTUC, adds: “Different  reports suggested that the skills needed to be an effective marketer has changed significantly over the past five years.  For the marketing profession, disruption has already happened and the pace of change will hasten.  The Labour Movement is working with our network of U Associate professional guilds, U Circle MNCs and other partners to provide suitable education, exposure and experience to help our talents stay competitive.  The digital marketing certification programme will help our working people who are already in or seeking a position in marketing to be equipped with the relevant skills.”
Mr Jefrey Gomez, Managing Director, Econsultancy APAC, commented: “The certification programme is not only designed to help digital marketing professionals get up to speed on the skills they need to function well in their jobs.  But it is also to ensure that they tap on online learning resources and mentorship for continuous learning so that eventually, they can become digital marketing leaders themselves.”
Mr Gilbert Tan, Assistant Director-General, NTUC and Chief Executive Officer, e2i said, “Given the current landscape, digital marketing is fast becoming the next marketing norm. It is therefore paramount for marketing professionals to close their digital skills gap, keep up-to-date with the latest developments and have ready access to tools to help them be more competent at work. The certification programme is one such avenue that gives marketers a stepping stone to equip them with useful digital marketing knowhow and skillsets.”
The certification programme aims to train at least 300 practitioners to be job-ready in areas of content marketing, social media advertising, search marketing and data analytics, which are affected by digitalisation and technologies. 
Digital Outlook 2018 Marketing Symposium
Speaking at a closed-door dialogue at the Digital Outlook 2018 Marketing Symposium event held today, NTUC Secretary-General Chan Chun Sing shared that for marketing professionals to be successful, it is crucial for them to unearth and find the needs of customers even before customers discover their own needs. Marketing professionals must go beyond Singapore to grow their companies’ businesses by having in-depth understanding of the overseas market as well as the ability to scale up without constraint of size and geography.
Over 500 marketing professionals from multi-national companies, small-and-medium size companies, non-government organisations and the public sector attended the Digital Outlook 2018 marketing symposium event at the NTUC Centre.  Jointly organised by Econsultancy and NTUC U Associate, the full-day marketing symposium aimed to transfer knowledge and insights from industry experts on topics ranging from Digital Intelligence, Data & Analytics, AI for Marketing to Beyond Design Thinking and China’s Digital Outlook.
For more information on the Professional Certificate in Digital Marketing, please visit: