Model ID: 1540e95a-f7d7-4886-ae59-556c45175193 Sitecore Context Id: 1540e95a-f7d7-4886-ae59-556c45175193;

Labour Movement calls on all companies and all workers to be part of a cheaper, better, faster econo

NTUC Ordinary Delegates Conference 2009 Towards a CBF economy powered by an All CAN workforce
Model ID: 1540e95a-f7d7-4886-ae59-556c45175193 Sitecore Context Id: 1540e95a-f7d7-4886-ae59-556c45175193;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 1540e95a-f7d7-4886-ae59-556c45175193 Sitecore Context Id: 1540e95a-f7d7-4886-ae59-556c45175193;

Labour Movement calls on all companies and all workers to be part of a cheaper, better, faster economy

13 October 2009

Media Release

NTUC Ordinary Delegates’ Conference 2009 Towards a CBF economy powered by an All CAN workforce

1. At the NTUC Ordinary Delegates’ Conference (ODC), held from 13 to 15 October 2009, NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say made a resounding call to all companies and all workers to be part of a cheaper, better, faster economy powered by an inclusive workforce.

2. The outlook for the Singapore economy remains cautious. But the Labour Movement is already laying the groundwork for the eventual upturn. Having scored well in two out of the three Key Performance Indicators (KPI) it set for itself at the start of the economic downturn – “Avoid Record Retrenchment” and “Prevent a Rapid Rise in Unemployment” - the Labour Movement is gearing up for its third KPI - “More Up When Up”.

3. Singapore has weathered admirably well its worst recession since independence. Recognising that extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures, the tripartite partners took bold and decisive action in a concerted fashion to contain the fallout on businesses, jobs and livelihoods. Retrenchments have eased and recovery is visible in certain sectors.

4. But the world after this unprecedented global recession is going to be a very different world. Competition for investments and jobs will become more intense. Developed countries, where the unemployment level is high, will be more eager for investments - these “better” economies will become “cheaper”. Developing countries, in order to fuel their pace of growth, will also be raring to go for investments - these “cheaper” economies will become “better”.

5. To thrive in this economic landscape, Singapore companies and workers must go on the offensive. We must quickly transform and re-position ourselves to become “cheaper, better, faster”, so that our economy continues to grow, our businesses flourish, and our workers can look forward to better jobs, better pay and better lives.

6. To be “cheaper”, we must improve our productivity; this means producing better-quality products and services more cost-effectively. To be “better”, we must broaden our capabilities; this involves the development and enhancement of technology, innovation of new products and services, and nurturing of new markets. To be “faster”, we must be more flexible, adaptable and responsive; we need to leverage on better and multiple skills to produce multiple products on a single production line quickly in response to dynamic market needs.

7. The road to a “cheaper, better, faster” economy will not be easy. It is laden with challenges. But there are companies that have shown that it can be done by upgrading their productivity, capabilities and flexibility. (Please see Annex). The Labour Movement is calling on all companies across all sectors to likewise get onboard the CBF bandwagon.

8. But the call to be “cheaper, better, faster” applies not only to companies. True to its pro-business, pro-worker stance, the Labour Movement is also urging the entire workforce to be a part of this transformation. This will ensure that economic restructuring does not leave in its wake structural unemployment. Even as it urges companies to re-position to get ahead of the global competition, the Labour Movement is committed to helping All Collars, All Ages and All Nationalities (All CAN) of workers, both men and women, to upgrade and capitalise on the job opportunities of the post-recession economy. Workers will be helped to re-skill, up-skill and multi-skill so that they can enjoy better jobs, better pay and better lives. NTUC’s Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) will play an instrumental role in this regard.

9. While we upgrade our workforce to be more competitive, the Labour Movement will continue to train its sights on vulnerable groups of workers – older workers, back-to-work women, and contract and casual workers. In a cheaper, better, faster economy powered by an All CAN workforce, the Labour Movement is determined that no worker be left behind.

10. The Labour Movement is mindful that the task ahead is arduous. It is nevertheless confident that Singapore’s unique advantage of a strong and united tripartism will continue to be the cornerstone of sustainable economic growth into the future. On its part, the Labour Movement will keep growing as a strong and effective pillar of this tripartite partnership to become “Bigger, Better, Faster”. It will evolve a more dynamic union structure, strengthen its union leadership, and boost its union membership in line with its LM 2011 vision of “A Labour Movement for All”.


Cheaper - Increase in Productivity of Protomalt and Milo Products 
Nestle has the world's largest malt extract production plant in Singapore, producing 30% of the global capacity. Over the last 10 years, PROTOMALT output has increased by 108%. Out of this, 1/3 comes from investment in capacity and 2/3 from improvements in productivity through sustained initiatives, e.g. process-time reduction. Over the last 10 years, MILO output has increased by 70% and productivity has improved by 47%. The 70% increase in output was the result of investment in capacity (1/3) and innovation (2/3). An example of productivity improvement is the innovation of the "6th generation nozzle", that allows the MILO paste to dry faster, thus resulting in increased throughput.

Better - Skills Upgrading 
Continuous skills upgrading of operators to acquire technical skills so that they can be upgraded to Technical Operators (TO) to perform a wider job scope in both production and technical functions. TOs are cross-trained to handle all 7 recipes of MILO. High-performing workers are selected for the Technical Operator programme. After the successfully completion of TO training, the candidate will be upgraded to the next level with 2 increments.

Faster - Flexibility in Product Lines 
The Singapore MILO plant manufactures 7 formulas for local and overseas consumption. Flexibility is enhanced as the product lines are easily interchangeable to produce any of the 7 products, depending on demand. Nestle can also cater to niche markets for their special requirements. The workers are multi-skilled to handle the 7 product lines for MILO.


Breakthrough in clean water technology ensures a good supply of cheap NEWater, which is instrumental to the success of wafer fab industry. Today, Singapore is a leading wafer fabrication city. The semiconductor industry is a key contributor to Singapore’s manufacturing sector and the fastest growing segment in electronics.

Upgrading Capabilities
The WSQ Wafer Fab consists of a range of certified engineering skills that will be recognised nationally, customised for the high-tech wafer fabrication industry. 6 companies are board (Chartered, Numonyx, STM, SSMC, TECH & UMC). In Phase 1, 7,000 engineers will be sent for in-house training. Phase 2 will push out to 3,000 technicians and operators.

Key Outcomes 
WSQ provides a common framework and structured roadmap to systematically improve workers’ skills and competencies – this upgrades industry’s capability across the board. The national framework can be updated in tandem with technology. This enhances workers’ employability when they move within the wafer fab industry.


2 years ago at the launch of JRP, Raffles Hotel was showcased as a company that encourages its workers to multi-task. It combined 2 jobs of a “Limousine Coordinator” and a “Chauffer” into one. The staff earned higher salaries.

At about the same time, it also enlarged the Butler’s role to bring business centre services to the suites. This means the staff would help the guest with photocopying services, fax and hooking onto the Internet.

Since then, Raffles Hotel has trained the Butlers to learn front desk duties (eg check in duties), and the front desk staff to learn suite duties. The intention is to rotate the staff on a permanent basis.

Other jobs that the company has multi-tasked are Room, Laundry and Housekeeping. These areas are normally serviced by different groups of staff; namely Room Attendant, Laundry Operator and House Attendant. Now Raffles Hotel has introduced another group of employees who are flexible and agile, called the House Stewards. They are multi-tasked in these areas and can be deployed to any one of these places. These workers were selected based on their capability and willingness to learn.

As for staff working in the kitchens, most of them can be moved from one outlet to another where they learn about the different cuisines. The younger staff in particular are interested in moving to different kitchens as it is good for their career development, while a handful wish to specialize; eg only in fine dining cuisines.

CHANGI AIRPORT GROUP (Customer-Centric Initiative - CCI)

Changi Airport Group has taken up the challenge of transforming its service delivery (through CCI and GEMS Up) in a visually impactful way. The CCI project contains innovative and unique service propositions, resulting in a seamless, consistent and memorable customer experience across all touch-points.

A truly “Changi-Class” service experience 
Changi Airport Group aims to create a “Changi-Class” experience for all customers:

  • Seamless and efficient operations at every touch point,
  • Friendly and personalised service rendered by every service staff, and
  • Cutting-edge and innovative terminal facilities

The 18-month drive will focus on three key areas: improving customer experience, operational efficiency and feedback management. Together with 1,000 of their own staff, the Group will be working with 9,000 of their partners’ frontline staff such as Immigration and Customs to ensure a truly “Changi-Class” service experience.

NPARKS (Best Sourcing Initiative – BSI) 
Contractor's workers are better skilled resulting in better maintained landscapes. Contractor's workers are better equipped resulting in better work productivity and increased output which in turn translates into better response time to service buyers (NParks contract owners). Contractor's management take more interest in their contractual performance resulting in better communication and interaction between service buyers (NParks) and service providers (contractors).


Operates one of the world’s largest membrane-based seawater desalination plants in Singapore. Built numerous water treatment facilities and provided water solutions worldwide. Hyflux has been constantly upgrading and building new capabilities by re-designing and improving its treatment plants infrastructure as well as developing new capability e.g. membrane system to meet increasing treatment demands while maintaining consistency and quality, and reducing operating cost of the plant.

Upgrading Capability to produce more 
From Bedok NEWater Plant with daily capacity of 32,000 m³ à Seletar NEWater plant with maximum daily capacity of 40,000 m³/day à SingSpring Desalination Plant with a daily capacity of 136,380 m³, which can meet some 10% of the nation’s water needs.

New Capability to improve quality and increase capacity while reducing costs
Kristal300™ membrane system helps to improve water quality and reduce cleaning frequency and hence reduce operation costs.

Hyflux’s competitive advantage is its ability to interpret and understand the whole value chain of water treatment and its involvement in the whole process (R&D à Manufacturing à System Integration) to maximise effectiveness of Kristal300™ membrane system, which helps it to be cost effective and efficient.

Hyflux managed to secure the contract to build the world’s largest reverse osmosis desalination plant with a capacity of 500,000 m³ per day in Algeria in a most cost effective way.
