Model ID: 6363a91c-6b33-410c-9345-ea0acf5b9034 Sitecore Context Id: 6363a91c-6b33-410c-9345-ea0acf5b9034;

Labour Movement adopts 2013 NWC Guidelines for outsourced cleaners

The Labour Movement has taken the lead in pushing for service providers and service buyers to look at how to improve the wages of their low-wage workers.
Model ID: 6363a91c-6b33-410c-9345-ea0acf5b9034 Sitecore Context Id: 6363a91c-6b33-410c-9345-ea0acf5b9034;
11 Jun 2013
Model ID: 6363a91c-6b33-410c-9345-ea0acf5b9034 Sitecore Context Id: 6363a91c-6b33-410c-9345-ea0acf5b9034;

NTUC Centre and AMK Hub, which are both owned by Labour Movement-related entities, take the lead togive $60 built-in wage increase to their outsourced cleaners 

NTUC Social Enterprises commit to work with service providers to improve wages of low-wage workers 

The Labour Movement has taken the lead in pushing for service providers and service buyers to look at how to improve the wages of their low-wage workers. NTUC Centre* and AMK Hub, which are both owned by Labour Movement-related entities, have started the ball rolling by successfully negotiating with their service providers to adopt the National Wage Council (NWC) recommendations for low-wage workers who are engaged by their outsourcing contractors. This was announced at the launch of the ‘I Care for My Cleaners’ campaign held at AMK Hub today.

This means that more than 50 outsourced cleaners will receive $60 in built-in wage increase with effect from July 2013.

In line with the NWC’s call for employers and service buyers to make special effort to uplift the pay of low-wage workers and incorporate NWC wage recommendations into outsourced service contracts, NTUC’s Social Enterprises (NTUC SEs) have also committed to proactively work with their service providers to implement a $60 built-in wage increase to outsourced contract cleaners earning a basic monthly salary of $1,000 and below. Once fully rolled out, another 600 outsourced cleaners stand to benefit.

Labour MP Zainal Sapari, who is also the Director for NTUC’s Unit for Contract and Casual Workers (UCCW), said, “I am heartened that NTUC and its Social Enterprises have heeded the call to help these outsourced workers earn a better living by being early adopters of the NWC guidelines. It is important that the Labour Movement leads by example in our efforts to improve the livelihoods of our low-wage workers.”

In its continued efforts to support fair treatment of workers, the Labour Movement also advocates the importance of respecting and valuing every worker.

“As we kick-start with the ‘I Care For My Cleaners’ campaign, we hope that, moving forward, this initiative will extend beyond cleaners to encourage employers to also give recognition to other low-wage worker groups,” he added.

CEO of NTUC Foodfare, Perry Ong, shared, “We’ve always regarded our cleaners as part of Foodfare’s family despite being outsourced. As we champion to do the same for our low-wage workers, we wanted to ensure our cleaners’ welfare at work are also taken care of because they too help contribute and support Foodfare’s growth. We take this as part of our ongoing best sourcing practices and work with our partners by paying them higher cleaning fees so that they do not feel burdened.”

Launch of ‘I Care For My Cleaners’ Campaign

The ‘I Care For My Cleaners’ campaign, driven by the Labour Movement, draws it roots from International Cleaners Day which is celebrated across the world as a global day of respect and dignity for cleaners on 15 June every year.

NTUC calls for the tripartite partners and public to recognise the service and contribution of these unsung heroes. It also serves as a reminder to employers, service buyers and outsourcing contractors to ensure their cleaners are accorded fair treatment and wages. The estimated 69,000 cleaners in Singapore are amongst the lowest-paid, earning a median monthly wage of $815.

At today’s launch of the ‘I Care For My Cleaners’ campaign, about 60 cleaners were treated to a buffet dinner at NTUC Foodfare at AMK Hub, where they also received appreciation gifts. Celebrating with them were Mr Lim Swee Say, NTUC Central Committee members, and staff from NTUC Administration and Research Unit.         

Doing Their Part to Support ‘I Care For My Cleaners’ Campaign

The ‘I Care For My Cleaners’ campaign is expected to last the month of June. During this period, more than 100 organisations from both the private and public sectors, including NTUC and its Social Enterprises, unionised companies, Town Councils and grassroots organisations will be doing their part to show their appreciation to their cleaners, which number more than 5,000. They will be holding their own celebrations, including appreciation lunches, presentation of gifts such as vouchers and hampers, and even a trip to the Singapore Flyer.

A ‘I Care For My Cleaners’ Facebook page has also been set up to raise public awareness of the challenges cleaners face at work and encourage people to show their appreciation for them.

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Annex A

Examples of how NTUC social enterprises, unions and related organisations are appreciating their cleaners in support of ‘I Care For My Cleaners’ campaign

Singapore Labour Foundation, NTUC Link, NTUC Choice Homes and NTUC Enterprise, which are located in NTUC Centre, One Marina Boulevard, are collectively sponsoring goodie bags ($800 NTUC FairPrice vouchers from each sponsor) for the cleaners’ appreciation lunch event that will be held on 14 June, with about 80 cleaners attending.

The 240 cleaner-cum-cooks working in NTUC First Campus will each receive a personalised card with thank you messages from children and teachers at every My First Skool (MFS) and The Little Skool-House International (LSH) childcare centre as well as The Caterpillar’s Cove.

The management team of NTUC Income will be hosting a special lunch for their 40 outsourced cleaners on 12 June. At the lunch, the cleaners will be presented with food hampers and ‘ang pows’. To enable all cleaners to attend, they will be excused from their usual duties for a few hours that afternoon.

NTUC FairPrice will be presenting their 350 outsourced cleaners with a ‘Thank You’ card personally signed off by their CEO. They will also be putting up ‘I Care For My Cleaners’ posters around their outlets to help generate public awareness.

NTUC LearningHub is collaborating with Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) to present goodie bags to all their cleaners and will arrange for light refreshments to celebrate with the cleaners. They will be doing the same at their other training campuses at Trade Union House, TradeHub 21, and Benoi. They will also put up ‘I Care For My Cleaners’ posters around all their campuses to help create more awareness.

NTUC Media is giving a $100 gift voucher and hamper to their cleaner at their new office warming lunch, which will be attended by all staff and board members. NTUC Foodfare gives $100 ‘ang paos’ to all their outsourced cleaners every year. NTUC Unity Healthcare will hold a cleaners’ appreciation-cum-HQ lunch on 11 June for their 3 cleaners.

The recreational entities under the Labour Movement are also doing their bit. NTUC Club will be organising an award presentation and lunch for about 70 cleaners. Each cleaner will receive tickets to Wild Wild Wet and the Recycled Percussion show which will be held in Downtown East. Orchid Country Club will hold a high-tea session and give each cleaner a souvenir gym bag on 17 June for about 40 cleaners, while Aranda Country Club is planning to host a luncheon cum KTV session for their 10 cleaners on 18 June, and a goodie bag worth $50 each for their cleaners.

The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore Staff Union will hold a lunch appreciation gathering on the 14 June for their 50 cleaners. Similarly, the Union of Power and Gas Employees, together with management, will jointly a series of activities, including a lunch and giving out of goodie bags to their cleaners.

The ‘I Care For My Cleaners’ has also garnered support outside the Labour Movement

Changi Airport Group will be organising an appreciation lunch buffet for 1,300 cleaners and cleaning contractors on 14 June.

CapitaLand Group has arranged to hold a “Buffet for Cleaners and Security Guards” and at the same time, reward the good performing cleaners and security guards with CapitaVouchers. 

ComfortDelgro will organise a lunch-cum-refreshment for the 15 cleaners deployed at Braddell HQ 14 June.

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