Model ID: 11fb94a4-fc97-49e8-a8d2-0e25bb19e6f7 Sitecore Context Id: 11fb94a4-fc97-49e8-a8d2-0e25bb19e6f7;

Labour Movement Family shows its ‘Caring & Sharing’ spirit at the “U Care For Community” event

Under the Labour Movement’s (LM) long-standing belief to Do Good and Do Together, 19 affiliated unions and communities have come together today for one of its biggest community activities appropriately titled as ‘U Care for Community’.
Model ID: 11fb94a4-fc97-49e8-a8d2-0e25bb19e6f7 Sitecore Context Id: 11fb94a4-fc97-49e8-a8d2-0e25bb19e6f7;
10 Dec 2013
Model ID: 11fb94a4-fc97-49e8-a8d2-0e25bb19e6f7 Sitecore Context Id: 11fb94a4-fc97-49e8-a8d2-0e25bb19e6f7;

~ In 2013, 57 community projects benefitted 12,200 beneficiaries ~


 Under the Labour Movement’s (LM) long-standing belief to Do Good and Do Together, 19 affiliated unions and communities have come together today for one of its biggest community activities appropriately titled as ‘U Care for Community’, which aims to bring cheer to the underprivileged community in Singapore.

Organised by the NTUC’s Care & Share Department and supported by some 200 LM volunteers, over 750 beneficiaries from 20 charitable organisations were treated to a comedy magic performance by Mr Nathan Burton who flew in from Las Vegas for a week-long engagement at Downtown East.  This community service project has the funding support from the NTUC-U Care Fund, NTUC’s affiliated unions and NTUC Club.

At the event, it was also highlighted that 57 community projects were carried out by a total of 29 unions, association and communities since the beginning of 2013.   These projects included visiting residents of children’s and elderly homes and celebrating festivals like Lunar New Year with them; cleaning and housekeeping of homes; and bringing beneficiaries to various local attractions such as the River Safari, S.E.A. Aquarium, Gardens by the Bay and even a shopping trip to a hypermarket.  Most of these projects were also co-funded by the U Care Caring.Sharing.Reaching-out (U Care CSR) Co-Funding Scheme.

NTUC Care and Share Director, Mr. Zainal Sapari said, “I am heartened that many of our union leaders, officials and members have been going about quietly doing community outreach activities over the years.   Today’s event is only one of the many examples that show the Labour Movement cares for the underprivileged community as well, besides helping our workers and members.  We hope to encourage more people to show U Care so that together, we can be a caring and sharing society.”

Mr Rahim Jaffar, First Vice-President of the Singapore Maritime Officers’ Union (SMOU) said, “Our union has adopted Henderson Home since 1991 and we will continue to do so because as part of the labour movement, one of our core beliefs is to care for the elderly and the less privileged. We recognise that our senior citizens have worked hard to help build this nation and that was why we adopted the Home. Through organising activities funded by the U Care CSR Co-Funding Scheme and getting our young union members involved in volunteering, we hope all SMOU members can cultivate a sense of compassion. Collectively, we also aim to reach out to as many beneficiaries as we can yearly.”   


