Model ID: 9c9b7ca1-383e-4f24-94e4-6250801a95b4 Sitecore Context Id: 9c9b7ca1-383e-4f24-94e4-6250801a95b4;

Labour Movement Champions Inclusive Growth in Productivity Drive Across All Sectors

NTUC announces $40 million programme to drive productivity improvements to help 25,000 low wage workers over two years
Model ID: 9c9b7ca1-383e-4f24-94e4-6250801a95b4 Sitecore Context Id: 9c9b7ca1-383e-4f24-94e4-6250801a95b4;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 9c9b7ca1-383e-4f24-94e4-6250801a95b4 Sitecore Context Id: 9c9b7ca1-383e-4f24-94e4-6250801a95b4;

03 Aug 2010

1 The Labour Movement is launching a $40 million programme called the Inclusive Growth Programme (IGP) to drive productivity improvements. IGP is set to benefit 25,000 low wage workers over two years. The objective is to uplift workers’ skills, pay and lives across all 12 sectors identified by the National Productivity and Continuing Education Council (NPCEC).

2 The announcement was made at the first of the Labour Movement’s National Day Observance Ceremonies held at NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) on 3 August 2010.

3 The Labour Movement is gearing itself to pursue a low wage worker strategy, in line with the 2010 focus of a “Cheaper Better Faster” Economy powered by an All Inclusive Workforce. In line with the Economic Strategies Committee recommendations, the Labour Movement will continue to mobilise workers to achieve higher levels of skills, innovation and productivity so as to achieve inclusive economic growth as encapsulated in the LM 2011 vision.

4 The IGP will be administered by NTUC’s e2i in partnership with Government agencies, participating companies and the Labour Movement’s network of unions. It will succeed the Jobs Re-creation Programme (JRP) spearheaded by NTUC over the past few years. Projects will be implemented through four levels:

a. At the industry level. NTUC’s e2i will, where appropriate, work with Government agencies to introduce accreditation schemes or quality standards. e2i will also encourage recognition of skills standards by industries, so that there is a premium to achieving better skills credentials.

b. At the buyers’ level. NTUC will encourage service buyers to practice best sourcing, by including quality criteria in addition to price considerations. Companies would be incentivised to improve operations through automation and mechanisation, and low wage workers will benefit from training and higher-value jobs.

c. At the companies’ level. IGP will promote the deployment of technology, machines and automation, to raise productivity at work places.

d. At the workers’ level. For low wage workers to be able to contribute towards a more productive company, they would need to acquire new skills, upgrade their skills, or be multi-skilled to handle various functions.

5 Out of the $40 million budget for IGP, $30 million will be funded through the National Productivity Fund (NPF) announced by the Government earlier this year, to redesign jobs, intensify use of equipment and technology, as well as to promote BSI. $10 million will be funded by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), to incentivise company-specific training programmes for workers to become more efficient, competent and adaptable. For companies who embark on such projects, they can receive up to 50% funding for deployment of technology and equipment, and up to 90% funding for training directly relevant to productivity improvement.
