Model ID: 667f6dd8-ced1-481b-af87-8b848221f1c1 Sitecore Context Id: 667f6dd8-ced1-481b-af87-8b848221f1c1;

Labour Movement Annual 2024

NTUC cares and will continue to take action to uplift workers’ wages, welfare, and work prospects, and reinforce tripartism.
Model ID: 667f6dd8-ced1-481b-af87-8b848221f1c1 Sitecore Context Id: 667f6dd8-ced1-481b-af87-8b848221f1c1;
02 May 2024
Model ID: 667f6dd8-ced1-481b-af87-8b848221f1c1 Sitecore Context Id: 667f6dd8-ced1-481b-af87-8b848221f1c1;

At the heart of the Labour Movement’s actions is a deep-rooted commitment to advancing workers’ wages, protecting their welfare, elevating their work prospects, and strengthening the core principles of tripartism.


This commitment goes beyond mere words, embodying the essence of our dedication to the well-being and development of every worker. Through a year marked by significant challenges and transformations, we have not just promised but actively delivered our pledge, demonstrating that our care for the workforce is genuine and impactful.


Our initiatives across these four pivotal areas are concrete manifestations of our relentless pursuit to honour and fulfil our compact with workers. Each step we take is a testament to our unwavering dedication to caring for and acting decisively on behalf of every member of our workforce, reinforcing our belief that #EveryWorkerMatters.


Read the Labour Movement Annual 2024.