Model ID: 6145be60-6d0c-4dfb-8056-ae1b653daa04 Sitecore Context Id: 6145be60-6d0c-4dfb-8056-ae1b653daa04;

LMPs Respond to Budget 2020

Labour Members of Parliament let us know their first impressions of this year's Budget and what is in it for workers.
Model ID: 6145be60-6d0c-4dfb-8056-ae1b653daa04 Sitecore Context Id: 6145be60-6d0c-4dfb-8056-ae1b653daa04;
By Compiled Fawwaz Baktee 18 Feb 2020
Model ID: 6145be60-6d0c-4dfb-8056-ae1b653daa04 Sitecore Context Id: 6145be60-6d0c-4dfb-8056-ae1b653daa04;

Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat delivered his Budget 2020 speech in Parliament on 18 February 2020.

This year's Budget will see several packages and schemes to help workers and companies tide over the Covid-19 situation and the uncertain economic landscape.

We spoke with several Labour Members of Parliament after the announcement to get their thoughts on the Budget.