Model ID: 74dfd49f-b77b-4be7-b460-3eb8b2aeb2b1 Sitecore Context Id: 74dfd49f-b77b-4be7-b460-3eb8b2aeb2b1;

LM reaches out to PMEs

PMEs get advice on money matters
Model ID: 74dfd49f-b77b-4be7-b460-3eb8b2aeb2b1 Sitecore Context Id: 74dfd49f-b77b-4be7-b460-3eb8b2aeb2b1;
01 Aug 2012
Model ID: 74dfd49f-b77b-4be7-b460-3eb8b2aeb2b1 Sitecore Context Id: 74dfd49f-b77b-4be7-b460-3eb8b2aeb2b1;

NTUC members, mainly Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs), had the opportunity to get up-close and personal with self-made millionaire Adam Khoo, all thanks to their union membership.

On 4 July 2012, NTUC members were able to take part in the ‘(Connect)u with Adam Khoo - Maximising Your Profits’ seminar at a heavily subsidised rate to learn the trades of investment, aiding to their professional development.

To provide members with the best benefits, members also received a complimentary copy of Adam Khoo’s book ‘Secrets Of Self- Made Millionaires’ worth $34 and could also bring a friend to join them at the seminar for just an additional dollar. This is part of NTUC Membership Department (MED)’s efforts to engage and support PMEs.

Said NTUC MED Director Vivek Kumar: “For the rank and file workers in Singapore, the unions have always stood by them for the last 50 years.It is also a known fact that we have also been supporting the PMEs like yourselves at your workplaces.”

Quoting an example, Mr Vivek shared how the NTUC union membership helped a group of eight professional engineers working in a building and construction multi-national company get back their rightful benefits when they were retrenched. They were given a week’s payment for every year of service, but the Labour Movement knew that this was not fair.

Thus, it stood up for the group of professionals and in the end they got their deserved payment. With this, he likened joining the Labour Movement to a form of making an investment as well. Said Mr Vivek: “This is a form of investment that can stand by you as and when you encounter any of such situations.”

Three lucky (Connect)u winners were also treated to the seminar for free, and felt that this opportunity indeed added value for them.

Winners Said:

"The seminar was very informative especiallyfor a person like me who is starting a family. I can use what I have learnt here to plan ahead and maximise my money on hand. We should also look at different options on how to save and invest so we can achieve financial “freedom.”

Kent Julve

“It was overall a well organised seminar with a clear and definite objective, and this was indeed time well invested.Everyone should take time off to attend such seminars in understanding market trends and enhancing their financial knowledge.”

Choon Pin

“I am at a stage where I am seriously thinking of achieving financial freedom, and thus felt that I will definitely be able to learn how to go about it from this seminar. I have learnt that becoming a wealthy person requires the right attitude towards wealth. Rather than pursuing an infinitely large amount of money, we just need to create enough sources of passive income that will enable us to maintain our desired lifestyle without having to work.”

Yancy Ong
