Model ID: b2d331af-3e30-4b31-ada2-6e928e469480 Sitecore Context Id: b2d331af-3e30-4b31-ada2-6e928e469480;

LM Role Model: Jimmy Wee

Public Service Medal recipient Jimmy Wee has been a part of the Labour Movement for 30 years. He is currently the National Taxi Association’s executive secretary and the deputy director of the Freelancers and Sel
Model ID: b2d331af-3e30-4b31-ada2-6e928e469480 Sitecore Context Id: b2d331af-3e30-4b31-ada2-6e928e469480;
By Ryan Chan 31 Aug 2016
Model ID: b2d331af-3e30-4b31-ada2-6e928e469480 Sitecore Context Id: b2d331af-3e30-4b31-ada2-6e928e469480;

Jimmy Wee – Public Service Medal

Mr Jimmy Wee has been a part of the Labour Movement for 30 years, first joining as an education officer in NTUC’s Skills Development Secretariat in 1986. He is currently the National Taxi Association’s executive secretary and the deputy director of the Freelancers and Self-Employed Unit, where his efforts have benefited both groups of workers.

Key Achievements

Taxi drivers' livelihoods – Mr Wee advocated for the statutory age limit to be revised to 75 in 2011, allowing drivers to have the option to work longer. His efforts have also seen the Land Transport Authority relax rules in the Central Business District in 2012, a move that benefited both taxi drivers and commuters.

Welfare of taxi drivers – Mr Wee forged partnerships with healthcare providers like Parkway Shenton and Q&M Dental to ensure members receive affordable or free healthcare services.

Giving freelancers a voice – He was instrumental in the formation of the Sports Coaches Association, the first in Singapore that gives a voice to these group of workers to engage relevant authorities.

“I am honoured and humbled by this award. I must thank our NTUC colleagues for the strong support and help extended to me in the course of my work. Most importantly, it is our union leaders and colleagues, especially our taxi leaders, in the past seven years for rendering unwavering support to me as we strive to champion drivers’ interests. With all their continuous support, we shall strive to do more good for our members.”

(Source: NTUC This Week)