Model ID: 2eb1d3c6-a32b-4ac9-8099-0edd11afccf0 Sitecore Context Id: 2eb1d3c6-a32b-4ac9-8099-0edd11afccf0;

LM Helps Retrenched Barclays Staff

Even though Barclays is not unionised in Singapore, NTUC steps in to help those retrenched.
Model ID: 2eb1d3c6-a32b-4ac9-8099-0edd11afccf0 Sitecore Context Id: 2eb1d3c6-a32b-4ac9-8099-0edd11afccf0;
17 Mar 2016
Model ID: 2eb1d3c6-a32b-4ac9-8099-0edd11afccf0 Sitecore Context Id: 2eb1d3c6-a32b-4ac9-8099-0edd11afccf0;
At a specially organised NTUC Change Management Workshop-Training held on 19 February 2016, laid off Barclays' employees went through a two-hour talk on resilience and networking to prepare them for their next job.

This was followed by one-to-one individual coaching.

NTUC Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) and NTUC PME (Professionals, Managers and Executives) Unit Director Patrick Tay also spoke to those affected to give tips and encouragement. On hand to lend
support were career coaches from NTUC’s U PME Centre, NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) and representatives from NTUC’s Financial and Business Services Cluster of unions.

“The Labour Movement endeavours to help and support the affected PMEs in various ways such as through customised career advisory, coaching and facilitated job search. We will also be organising a series of networking and industry sessions in the coming months using the newly launched tripartite FICAC (Financial Industry Career Advisory Centre) platform to outreach, serve and support fellow PMEs,” said ASG Tay.

NTUC swung into action when news broke of the impending retrenchment and engaged Barclays' HR to map out proposed assistance to the axed staff. Barclays' HR informed those affected of the 19 February session.
Singapore Insurance Employees’ Union General Secretary and NTUC Financial and Business Services Cluster

Chairman Luke Hee said: “This is a good effort to reach out to a company that is non-unionised. Although it is sad that the retrenchment occurs in such a big institution like Barclays, it provides the Labour Movement with an opportunity to reach out to workers who are in need.”