Model ID: 6c44cd6f-ddaa-452c-b9a7-2796195ecbf4 Sitecore Context Id: 6c44cd6f-ddaa-452c-b9a7-2796195ecbf4;

Keynote Address by Minister of State for the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports Mdm Halimah Yacob

NTUC WeCare for U Project - WeCare Kids Show and Tell at NTUC Centres Room 801 on 3 July 2011 at 3pm
Model ID: 6c44cd6f-ddaa-452c-b9a7-2796195ecbf4 Sitecore Context Id: 6c44cd6f-ddaa-452c-b9a7-2796195ecbf4;
05 Jul 2011
Model ID: 6c44cd6f-ddaa-452c-b9a7-2796195ecbf4 Sitecore Context Id: 6c44cd6f-ddaa-452c-b9a7-2796195ecbf4;

Ladies and Gentlemen; Boys and Girls 

I’m delighted to join you today for this meaningful event. It’s indeed heartening to see the progress made thus far since the WeCare for U Project was launched in March 2009.

I want to congratulate the NTUC Women’s Development Secretariat for initiating this meaningful WeCare for U Project. I was told that to date, there are 1, 269 members single mums and their children, as compared to 823 as at end of 2009, who have joined up.

From the MCYS perspective, this is indeed a laudable project. Single mothers face tremendous pressures, both at home and at work. Because of their single status, their struggles to raise their children are a lot more daunting, as they face the challenging task of earning a living to support their children and ensuring that their children develop into healthy, young adults.

What is different about WeCare for U is that it provides a social network of support and bonding for these mothers and their children, which is so critical to them because they often feel alone and isolated in their struggles. But what is equally important also is that WeCare for U also helps them to develop independence and resilience by helping them with job matching and skills upgrading.

WeCare for U organizes family outings, learning journeys and other activities to help the single mothers build confidence and bond with their children. To date, about 28 bonding activities have been organized, benefitting 2,901 single mothers and children in total.

Educational Programmes

One key focus of the WeCare for U Project in 2011 is educational programmes for the young. On 29 January this year, at the Woodlands Regional Library, I had announced 2 new pilot initiatives under this project. First, is a Reading Programme, a joint effort with Hwa Chong Institution, which is aimed at helping young children develop an interest in reading and inculcate good reading habits. I’m glad to note that 8 children aged 7-12 have successfully completed the 12 sessions. Going forward, this programme will reach out to more children aged 7–12 years. 

WeCare kidsREAD

WDS will next embark on the 2nd phase by launching a reading club today called “WeCare kidsREAD”. The main objective is to cultivate the love for reading in young children aged 4–7 and to enrich their lives.

For a start, WDS is working with 24 student volunteers from Raffles Institution (RI). This group of students is participating in an elective called International Service Learning Programme (ISLE), which is a part of RI’s Experiential Learning (RIEL). All volunteers will be attending a ½ day workshop on “Reading Aloud & Literacy Skills”. It will be conducted by Asian Storytelling Network on 9 July. I understand that some of them are in the audience today.

The WeCare kidsREAD will be held every Saturday from 3.00 to 4.30pm at NTUC Centre. There will be a total of 8 sessions from 16 July to 3 September. To date, about 20 children have signed up for the programme.

At the end of each session, each child will be given a healthy snack. The items are kindly sponsored by one of NTUC’s Social Enterprise - NTUC FairPrice.

This programme will not be possible without the strong support from National Library Board (NLB). This newly formed reading club will be treated as a special group under NLB kidsREAD. Besides providing good advice in setting up the club, NLB will also provide books and arts & crafts materials throughout the sessions.

Hence, I would like to urge all mothers to enroll your children in the WeCare kidsREAD. It will definitely help to build a stronger foundation for them in their studies.

Besides students from RI, WDS will also explore with other schools to grow and involve more students in this meaningful programme.

The Arts Attic Centre  

WDS in collaboration with The Arts Attic Centre, a children arts school, had also rolled out another pilot initiative - Speech & Drama Class for the children. The main objectives are to help these children boost their confidence and express themselves better in the presence of others. In this way, it also helps them to develop and grow.

The children aged 4-12 went through a total of 8 sessions held on a weekly basis at NTUC Centre. 30 children have successfully completed the programme and 26 of them will be presented with a certificate of attendance. Moving forward, WDS will continue to work with Arts Attic to plan for new classes in 2012.

Well done to all children & students! I was told that the children will be performing for us later and I’m definitely looking forward to it. I’m sure all mums will be very happy to see the talents of their children too.

Single Mothers Need Our Support

I would like to commend NTUC Women’s Development Secretariat (WDS) for all the great efforts and do continue to work towards a sustainable project.

I would also like to take this opportunity to call upon everyone – family, friends and employers of single mothers, to do your utmost to give them your support and encouragement.

Thank you.
