During debate on the Population White Paper earlier this month, Labour Members of Parliament (MPs) brought up several issues, perspectives and suggestions.
On 8 February 2013, Nominated Labour MP Mary Liew reminded the House that there are important things to keep in mind as Singapore progresses towards the future.
The slowdown in economic growth could lead to higher unemployment and stagnation of wages and unemployment and wage stagnation must be avoided. It is important to solve the today’s infrastructure problems, such housing and public transport, to build confidence and prevent them from snowballing into bigger problems.
She said Singaporeans and their interests must always come first as we grow our population and the standard of living and quality of life of Singaporeans should get better.
A bigger population should not lead to higher inflation and a less sustainable environment and there must be periodical reviews and continued all-round engagement between the government and Singaporeans in creating Singapore 2020 and 2030 together.