Model ID: f0bea1e7-cc96-42c3-bac1-d0cc32315112 Sitecore Context Id: f0bea1e7-cc96-42c3-bac1-d0cc32315112;

K.Manogaaran - Fully Committed

Mr K.Manogaaran joined the Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority Workers’ Union (SURAWU) in May 1981
Model ID: f0bea1e7-cc96-42c3-bac1-d0cc32315112 Sitecore Context Id: f0bea1e7-cc96-42c3-bac1-d0cc32315112;
23 May 2016
Model ID: f0bea1e7-cc96-42c3-bac1-d0cc32315112 Sitecore Context Id: f0bea1e7-cc96-42c3-bac1-d0cc32315112;

Mr K.Manogaaran joined the Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority Workers’ Union (SURAWU) in May 1981. He was nominated as an executive council member of SURAWU in 1988, and was voted in as vice-president till 2013, after which he was elected as president.

Mr Manogaaran has continuously worked towards identifying and getting more benefits for his fellow members. Fully committed to serving their interests and welfare, he constantly communicates with members through emails and personal meetings to hear their feedback.  Under his able leadership, grievances and issues have been resolved amicably.

Since 2013, Mr Manogaaran has also been serving in the NTUC Industrial Relations Committee (Public Sector), NTUC International Relations Committee, Public Service Cluster Committee and Building and Facility Management Services Cluster Committee.

Source: NTUC This Week