Model ID: 95edc705-ce03-42e0-9612-725f221d89c5 Sitecore Context Id: 95edc705-ce03-42e0-9612-725f221d89c5;

International Migrants Day Celebration

As part of International Migrants Day’s celebration, the MWC is also collaborating with the three local telecoms companies, Singtel, Starhub & M1, to organise a mass 2G-to-3G mobile phone conversion exercise.
Model ID: 95edc705-ce03-42e0-9612-725f221d89c5 Sitecore Context Id: 95edc705-ce03-42e0-9612-725f221d89c5;
17 Dec 2016
Model ID: 95edc705-ce03-42e0-9612-725f221d89c5 Sitecore Context Id: 95edc705-ce03-42e0-9612-725f221d89c5;
~ Showcasing the Migrant Worker X-Factor ~
~ Helping Migrant Workers Stay Connected ~
Our Migrant Workers Got Talent 2!
In celebration of International Migrants Day, the Migrant Workers’ Centre (MWC) is organising a talent show - Our Migrant Workers Got Talent 2! – on 18 December 2016 at Ci Yuen Community Club to showcase the hidden talents of migrant workers. The event will be graced by NTUC Deputy-Secretary General Heng Chee How. 
12 finalists pipped 200 other audition hopefuls from 6 auditions for the chance to wow thousands of viewers island-wide. The top three winners in the grand final will be walking away with cash prizes of $3,000, $2,000 and $1,000 respectively. 
While an audience of 500 supporters and guests will be watching the live show at Ci Yuan Community Club, the venue for the finals, the MWC is arranging for the grand finals show to be streamed “live” over the internet and beamed direct on big screens to all the six migrant worker recreation centres. Part of the judging also incorporated online voting for the viewers’ favourites, which created a fun element of audience participation and engagement. While this is the second large talent search contest held by the MWC (the first was in 2010, with the finals held at the Marina Bay Floating Platform), it is the first time such mass screening and audience voting technology has been used to bring the finals closer to all. The total number of viewers is estimated to be more than 35,000.
“The competition is a good platform to identify talents among the migrant workers. The dance that I will be performing is a traditional Indian dance, which not many young people are familiar with. This ancient traditional dance requires focus of the body, the mind and soul to be one. I hope that more young people can know about this dance and continue the tradition, said Mr Veluchamy Muniapparaj, 30, one of the finalists of the talent show.
“We generated a lot of interest among workers and the public when we held our first large talent show in 2010 and we felt it was time to do another one. Holding it in conjunction with International Migrants Day means we can rally and direct all the interest and attention we drum up towards the important social message of furthering their welfare and protection here in Singapore. Migrant workers travel here from faraway places, leaving their loved ones for the opportunity to earn a living in Singapore and make a better life for their families. While here, they also help us by supplementing our manpower in key industries and helping to build up Singapore in many aspects,” said MWC Chairman, Yeo Guat Kwang.  
2G-to-3G mobile phone conversion exercise
As part of International Migrants Day’s celebration, the MWC is also collaborating with the three local telecoms companies, Singtel, Starhub & M1, to organise a mass 2G-to-3G mobile phone conversion exercise. Migrant workers, who make up one third of our workforce, largely keep in touch with their families and friends back home via mobile phones. With the impending shut-down of the 2G mobile network on 1 Apr 2017, the MWC understands many migrant workers still on 2G mobile phones risk losing contact with their workmates, friends and loved ones, both here and abroad. In response, the MWC brought together the three telcos to provide attractive 3G mobile phone conversion packages to migrant workers at all six recreation centres. The conversion exercise served to educate and assist migrant workers who will be affected by the 2G network shut-down and rides on International Migrants Day to further push the social objective of improving conditions and caring for our migrant workers. The telcos have committed to continue attractive 3G conversion packages beyond 18 December and into 2017 for those who miss this special opportunity. The MWC will play its part by opening the way for roadshows to be held at large migrant worker dormitories in the lead up to 1 Apr 2017.   
“We know how important it is for them to stay connected with their families and friends back home. It didn’t take too much of a leap before we decided to use the platform we would create to address the impending closure of the 2G mobile network and the possible further alienation of large groups of migrant workers still on 2G phones” said MWC Chairman, Yeo Guat Kwang.  
Mr Yeo further explained, “Thankfully, we managed to rally the three telcos to partner with us and come in to give their best 3G conversion packages on this special day. This is a ‘best effort’ exercise, we cannot be sure what the response will be like but the partners all believe this is something we must at least try to do as a gesture to show our appreciation to the migrant workers and our desire to continue looking after their well-being. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all our migrant sisters and brothers a Happy International Migrants Day.”