Inaugural Uth! Campus attracts 100 Young Unionists
25 March 2007
Media Release
1 The inaugural Uth! Campus was launched by NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say today at the Sarimbun Scouts Camp at Lim Chu Kang Road. Joining Mr Lim at the launch was Mr Edwin Lye, Chairperson of Young NTUC and Mrs Josephine Teo, Labour MP and Director of NTUC's Youth Development Unit.
2 At this first Uth! Campus held from 24 to 25 March 2007, more than 100 union members participated in a 2-day-1-night residential camp. They included activists from the respective Young NTUC’s Interest Groups like, Bowling, Pool, Humanitarian Support Group, p.L.a.Y! (Performing with Love, by Active Youths!), and Salsa. The Uth! Campus provides networking opportunities for youth activists and serves to strengthen bonds through teambuilding activities.
3 Uth! Campus also aims to provide the youth participants with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Labour Movement’s mission and development. It provides younger union members a channel to give feedback, identify ways and contribute ideas on how the Labour Movement can better serve them through its Labour Movement 2011 (LM2011) vision, which is to be a Labour Movement for workers of all collars, ages and nationalities.
4 Serving as the Labour Movement’s ambassadors, these youth activists help to provide a vital link between the Labour Movement and the younger union members. This link is important as it helps the Labour Movement understand the needs of the younger union members so as to serve them more effectively at work, live and play.
5 Mr Lye shared his hopes for Uth! Campus, "With 135,000 union members aged under 35 today, Young NTUC is one of the largest youth movements in Singapore. In order to better reach out, serve and engage this group of union members, we plan to organise Uth! Campus annually to multiply the pool of activists to a 1,000-strong community."
6 Young NTUC will work closely with the youth chapters of NTUC’s 63 affiliated unions and 6 associations to forge ties with union members through various interest groups. Mrs Teo added, "We want to be inclusive as we grow the range of interest groups. The activities may be led by youths but we have every intention to include all union members, especially the young at heart." One such activity is the musical, A Labour of Love, which the Young NTUC’s performing arts group, p.L.a.Y!, is presenting in celebration of May Day this year.
7 At the Uth! Campus’s launch this afternoon, Mr Lim left his handprint on a clay model – a gesture befitting the motto of Uth! Campus, which encourages its youth participants to “Leave Your Mark” in continuously making the Labour Movement relevant to all workers and Singaporeans.
8 Sharing his sentiments on the Uth! Campus, Mr Mohamed Ziadz B Ramli of the Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Employees’ Union said, “Joining Uth! Campus was a really enriching experience for me. Not only did I learn more about the Labour Movement and NTUC, I also had a great time networking and building new friendships with young workers from other unions.”
For media queries, please contact:
Ms Julie Tai
Principal Executive
Corporate Communications Department
National Trades Union Congress
DID: 6213 8186
HP: 9848 2483
For more information on Uth! Campus, please contact:
Donavan Lau
Assistant Director
Youth Development Unit
National Trades Union Congress
DID: 6213 8094
Edwin Pang
Assistant Director
Youth Development Unit
National Trades Union Congress DID: 6213 8093
About Young NTUC
To ensure continuity and dynamism, the labour movement must have a strong cohort of young members. Young NTUC was launched on 30 April 2005 to attract younger members to the activities of the NTUC. Formerly known as the NTUC Youth Committee, Young NTUC is the official youth wing of the National Trades Union Congress.
With 135,000 members from 18 to below 35 years old, Young NTUC is the largest youth movement in Singapore. Working with the youth chapters of the 63 NTUC affiliated unions, Young NTUC aims to reach out to the young workforce in Singapore, representing them as a voice and thus helping to advance the cause of the labour movement here.
More information on Young NTUC and its activities can be found at the website
About National Trades Union Congress (NTUC)
The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) is a national federation of trade unions of workers in the industrial, service and public sectors representing more than 470,000 workers in Singapore. It has 9 cooperatives, 63 trade unions and
6 associations affiliated to it. A champion for workers, NTUC’s main objectives includes helping Singaporeans to stay competitive and employable for life; enhancing the social status and well-being of workers; and building a strong, responsible and caring labour movement.