Model ID: d0a7d384-15b6-4300-986c-56575776bb3d Sitecore Context Id: d0a7d384-15b6-4300-986c-56575776bb3d;

In Photos: May Day Rally 2018

It was a mentos-coloured day of camaraderie, pride and complete dedication to the workers’ cause. We head back to the scene to bring you this collection of memories that made May Day so special this year at Downtown East.
Model ID: d0a7d384-15b6-4300-986c-56575776bb3d Sitecore Context Id: d0a7d384-15b6-4300-986c-56575776bb3d;
By Jonathan Tan 02 May 2018
Model ID: d0a7d384-15b6-4300-986c-56575776bb3d Sitecore Context Id: d0a7d384-15b6-4300-986c-56575776bb3d;

In an annual tradition since the formation of our Labour Movement some 52 years ago, 1 May has always been a time of recognition and celebration of the working people in Singapore.

For the Labour Movement, the celebrations are headlined by the annual May Day Rally, which took place at Downtown East this year and attended by 1,600 people comprising  union leaders, tripartite partners, and representatives from the U AssociateU SME (small- and medium-sized enterprises), U FSE (Freelancers and Self-Employed) and NTUC social enterprises.

While you could read more about what NTUC Secretary-General (SG) Chan Chun Sing and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had to say through the links at the end of the story, we picked out some of the best photos to help frame what took place that Tuesday morning.

Unionists catch up with each other and mingle with NTUC Secretary-General (SG) Chan Chun Sing and Assistant Secretary-General Zainal Sapari at the Learning Festival where 11 exhibitors showcased a variety of training and learning resources.

Immediate-Past NTUC Secretary General and former Minister for Manpower, Lim Swee Say greeting unionists. 

Secretary-General Chan Chun Sing introduces Deputy-Secretaries General Ng Chee Meng and Koh Poh Koon to the Labour Movement. 

Getting to know people on the ground – Deputy Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng up-close and personal in a photo moment with unionists. 

It was a day of meeting new faces and getting set for new directions ahead. Deputy Secretary-General Koh Poh Koon meet up with union leaders. 

Growing from strength to strength, there are 112 flags representing the tripartite partners, affiliated unions and associations, social enterprises, U Associates, NTUC communities and related organisations.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who was guest-of-honour, gets a rousing reception as he makes his entrance with NTUC President Mary Liew. 

Don’t get them wrong –  these rally attendees aren’t checking in on social media. They are checking out on-the-go learning with short modules from NTUC e2i’s (Employment and Employability Institute) U Leap programme. U Leap Enterprise, a second phase of the programme, was also launched on 1 May 2018.

About 1,600 voices blended into unison to fill the inside of the marquee at Downtown East with a rousing rendition of ‘Solidarity Forever’.

SG Chan Chun Sing sharing a candid moment. 

Tripartism has always been the secret for Singapore’s success, and an open secret at that.

To read the story from Secretary-General Chan Chun Sing's May Day Rally 2018 speech, click here.

To read the story from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's May Day Rally 2018 speech, click here.

To read the story from Secretary-General Chan Chun Sing's Pre-May Day Rally media briefing, click here