We refer to Mr Paul Steve Vasudev’s letter (28 Jan 2013). Last year, a study commissioned by the Union of Security Employees (USE) found that wages of security officers have risen between 18% – 28% since 2008, largely due to industry re-development efforts. We assure him that the Union of Security Employees (USE), Building and Facility Management Services Cluster (BFM) in the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), industry players and government agencies monitor closely the wages of private security officers (PSO); and implement various measures to improve the well-being of our PSOs. This is part of our on-going collective efforts to enhance PSOs’ jobs, professionalism, wages and welfare.
We continually seek to enhance productivity and implement best sourcing projects to improve our PSOs’ wages. 2,000 PSOs have benefitted from the Inclusive Growth Programme and over 400, from the Best Sourcing Initiative, which encourages service buyers to outsource responsibly. With the improved professionalism and better training leading to higher productivity, PSOs’ wages increased.
We also work closely with our tripartite partners to ensure that workplace conditions are improved. Since 2011, criteria on employment and human resource practices have been incorporated into the PLRD Security Agency Grading Scheme. This underscores to security agencies the importance of workers’ well-being.
While there has been progress, USE and NTUC continue to be concerned for PSOs’ working conditions and wages. We need further and faster pace of progress. We also need users of security services to recognise the valuable services rendered by our security officers. Thus, we are currently working closely with our tripartite partners to develop and implement a Progressive Wage Model (PWM). The PWM will help PSOs move up the skills, productivity, career and wage ladders. Through this, security firms would see better-skilled PSOs and higher staff retention, while security service buyers would enjoy more professional and reliable services. Importantly, our PSOs would be better skilled, enjoy better working conditions and earn higher wages sustainably.
Desmond Choo
Executive Secretary
Union of Security Employees
Zainal Sapari
Cluster Lead
Building and Facility Management Services Cluster
National Trades Union Congress