Model ID: afb8b385-8ad2-4380-9478-cee8426152f5 Sitecore Context Id: afb8b385-8ad2-4380-9478-cee8426152f5;

“I’m Really Happy to be Independent Again”

No one wants to place their elderly loved ones in a nursing home. But at NTUC Health’s nursing homes, there is a real chance for them to regain their lives. Here’s Mdm Ang’s story.
Model ID: afb8b385-8ad2-4380-9478-cee8426152f5 Sitecore Context Id: afb8b385-8ad2-4380-9478-cee8426152f5;
By Jonathan Tan Photos Jonathan Tan and NTUC Health 03 Nov 2017
Model ID: afb8b385-8ad2-4380-9478-cee8426152f5 Sitecore Context Id: afb8b385-8ad2-4380-9478-cee8426152f5;

Admission to a nursing home does not have to be a permanent arrangement for our loved ones to receive professional care. Neither does it have to be the end point for an elderly person’s life.

Just ask former NTUC Health Nursing Home (Chai Chee) resident Ang Cheh Eng.

“Having been diagnosed with an advanced stage of cancer, my treatment had affected my ability to move around and I was stuck in a wheelchair and unable to do the things I used to do,” said the 63-year-old, who lives with her husband.

With her husband working six days a week as a driver and no children to assist in her day-to-day care, Mdm Ang was admitted to the nursing home earlier this year.

Following an operation and treatment which kept her cancer under control, she received intensive rehabilitation with the support of the nursing home’s team of doctors, nurses, and various care staff. Within five months, Mdm Ang was able to move around and care for herself, and she was discharged.

Recounting the experience, she said: “I’m really happy to be independent again, and be able to move about on my own and care for myself. I had been very motivated [to get rehabilitated] as being unable to move about had affected me more than my cancer!

“I appreciate the efforts of the NTUC Health nursing home team as they were very encouraging and professional. I am so glad that they have helped me to return home to be with my husband again.”

Trusted Care

Mdm Ang’s story reflects the mission of NTUC Health’s nursing homes. This goal was repeated on 2 November 2017 with the opening of NTUC Health Nursing Home (Chai Chee).

“NTUC Health’s purpose is to bring happiness and peace of mind to individuals and their families by delivering trusted care that is good enough for ourselves and our loved ones,” said NTUC Health Chairman Tan Hwee Bin.

Ms Tan also stressed NTUC Health’s focus on helping seniors regain their ability to move around and independence like Mdm Ang, and return to the comfort of their homes and loved ones.

Partnership Agreements

The event also saw NTUC Health sign two partnership agreements with the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and Changi General Hospital (CGH) respectively.

The first will see NTUC Health work with SIT to develop a talent pool of healthcare workers in Singapore through knowledge and skills sharing. There will also be opportunities for SIT students to gain hands-on working experience at NTUC Health.

The second collaboration between NTUC Health and CGH will see both parties work together to enhance the quality of care for nursing home residents as well as training and development of staff in various areas. 

NTUC Health’s Nursing Homes

The brand new 11-storey nursing home can serve over 350 residents. There is a Silver Circle Senior Care Centre located in the nursing home that can provide day care services to 100 clients.

Together with its nursing homes in Jurong East and Geylang East, NTUC Health is one of the largest nursing home providers in Singapore with close to 1,000 beds.

Did You Know?

To sweeten the life of its residents, especially those suffering from dementia, NTUC Health Nursing Home (Chai Chee) is designed with 3D paintings and related furnishings to refresh memories.

Familiar scenes such as a HDB void deck, Tanjong Pagar Railway Station and elements such as an actual traditional barber’s shop were included to uplift their mood and encourage them to talk to fellow residents, staff and family members.