Model ID: 1ce8445b-25e9-47dc-a4ad-9ffcbee2bcd1 Sitecore Context Id: 1ce8445b-25e9-47dc-a4ad-9ffcbee2bcd1;

IRASSU Turns 25!

IRASSU members receive a special LinkPoints birthday gift as the union plans to get more members on board.
Model ID: 1ce8445b-25e9-47dc-a4ad-9ffcbee2bcd1 Sitecore Context Id: 1ce8445b-25e9-47dc-a4ad-9ffcbee2bcd1;
By Ramesh Subbaraman 03 Jul 2018
Model ID: 1ce8445b-25e9-47dc-a4ad-9ffcbee2bcd1 Sitecore Context Id: 1ce8445b-25e9-47dc-a4ad-9ffcbee2bcd1;

The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore Staff Union (IRASSU) turns 25 this year.

The union was registered on 12 June 1993 but decided to celebrate the occasion on 25 June 2018 to mark the significance of 25 years.

And what’s a birthday without a special gift?

LinkPoints Boost

Some 1,000 IRASSU members each got a ‘gift’ of 2500 LinkPoints into their accounts.

Furthermore, thanks to the strong ties with IRAS management, the statutory board also decided to top up LinkPoints for both new union members and those who refer fellow colleagues to become a union member. In short, a member who brings in a new union member will receive  3,750 LinkPoints.

IRASSU’s President Komala P said this will be available till the end of this year and should help boost the membership drive for the union.

IRASSU’s Strengths

Joining the union and IRAS management to celebrate IRASSU’s 25th  birthday was the union’s trustee and NTUC Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) Patrick Tay.

He commended the union for its strong labour-management ties.

“Even with the previous commissioners and management partners, we have enjoyed a very close relationship between the union and the management and the management has always been transparent and open.”

“We must not take for granted this relationship. I have worked with many other unions. Not every union and management can work so closely all the time,” said ASG Tay.

His birthday wish for IRASSU and IRAS is to keep this relationship going for a long time.

ASG Tay also praised IRASSU for its readiness to train the workforce for the age of digitalisation.