Model ID: 93ce81c8-e4a5-4d34-a5f7-749e0e7a85d4 Sitecore Context Id: 93ce81c8-e4a5-4d34-a5f7-749e0e7a85d4;

Hotel Sector: Giving Jobseekers a Boost

Jobseekers in the thriving hotel industry can now count on a newly-launched programme to achieve a better job fit.
Model ID: 93ce81c8-e4a5-4d34-a5f7-749e0e7a85d4 Sitecore Context Id: 93ce81c8-e4a5-4d34-a5f7-749e0e7a85d4;
By Fawwaz Baktee 21 Jul 2017
Model ID: 93ce81c8-e4a5-4d34-a5f7-749e0e7a85d4 Sitecore Context Id: 93ce81c8-e4a5-4d34-a5f7-749e0e7a85d4;

Workforce Singapore (WSG) and the Singapore Hotel Association (SHA) introduced a new programme to guide jobseekers on the types of jobs and career progression pathways available at this year’s Hotel Day on 21 July 2017.

Called the Adapt & Grow SkillsFuture Career Advisors Programme for Hotel Industry, the initiative will complement the existing Skills Framework for Hotels and Accommodation Services, which provides jobseekers with the necessary guidance and information on entering the industry, the types of skills needed and training resources.

The programme is part of a multi-agency effort to help better match jobseekers with jobs in the industry.

WSG CEO Tan Choon Shian said: “WSG is committed to working with partner agencies to address mismatches and missed matches in the hotel industry. We will also provide support to help employers redesign jobs and transform their work processes to bring on higher value jobs for the industry, benefiting both jobseekers and employers.”

Career Advisors

The key feature of the programme is the mentorship by SkillsFuture Career Advisors and the first batch of advisors comprises 21 hotel industry veterans who currently hold positions such as human resource directors and general managers. The advisors, who have volunteered to be part of the programme, will share industry knowledge and experience to help map out a career path for prospective jobseekers.

WSG and SHA will be organising career advisory sessions as a platform for jobseekers to meet SkillsFuture Career Advisors. The first session was held at the programme launch at the Devan Nair Institute for Employment and Employability, where jobseekers were given an overview of the sector and the opportunity to engage advisors in a small-group discussion. At least three such sessions are being planned by the end of the year.

Hotel Day 2017

Doing its part in this effort, NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) co-organised the Hotel Day 2017 and supported with a career fair which saw 25 hotel employers offer 340 job vacancies. Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Manpower and Foreign Affairs Josephine Teo was guest-of-honour at the event.

The career fair is part of an effort to help the hotel industry drive recruitment and help ease the manpower crunch.

“Through e2i’s close partnerships with the Government, trade associations and employers, we can grow our network of industry experts and expertise to better develop and support Singapore’s pool of hospitality professionals. Industry practitioners will benefit from our extensive suite of services ranging from career advisory to training programmes, as well as [gain] access to industry networking and employment opportunities, to help them make well-informed career and skills upgrading choices for their growth and progression,” said e2i CEO Gilbert Tan.

From 2005 to 2015, the hotel industry’s total room revenue grew 2.6 times from $1.2 billion to $3.2 billion, and this is expected to grow further. Currently, the industry comprises about 400 establishments, employs about 1 per cent of the workforce and contributes to 1 per cent of Singapore’s gross domestic product.