On 1 Octorber 2013, High Court Judge Choo Han Teck dismissed the case against the Singapore Insurance Employees’ Union (SIEU) filed by financial consultants Mr Lim Paw Seng Philip, Mr Ng Kee Wah and Mr Tan Huan.
SIEU President Terry Lee and SIEU General Secretary Luke Hee issued a joint statement following the dismissal:
“SIEU is very pleased that the High Court has ruled in SIEU’s favour and summarily dismissed the three Plaintiffs’ case against the union. This is a big relief for SIEU and our members as for the past few months the Plaintiffs’ legal course of action, which is regretful, has been a drain on SIEU’s resources. Today, with the High Court’s ruling, there is clarity that the Plaintiffs have no grounds for their legal action.
SIEU has and will always act in the best interests of our members. We will move on from this case so that we can continue to focus on serving our members. SIEU is deeply appreciative of the many words of encouragement, understanding and support that our members, supporters and NTUC have given us over the course of this court case.”
Original article can be found in NTUC This Week (4 October 2013)