Model ID: 42e24796-5912-4ce5-a018-1e2a574a423d Sitecore Context Id: 42e24796-5912-4ce5-a018-1e2a574a423d;

Helping Workers Affected By Impending Jurong Country Club Closure

AREU is all set to help workers affected by the Jurong Country Club's impending closure
Model ID: 42e24796-5912-4ce5-a018-1e2a574a423d Sitecore Context Id: 42e24796-5912-4ce5-a018-1e2a574a423d;
12 May 2015
Model ID: 42e24796-5912-4ce5-a018-1e2a574a423d Sitecore Context Id: 42e24796-5912-4ce5-a018-1e2a574a423d;

By Shukry Rashid

Attractions, Resorts & Entertainment Union (AREU) is working closely with Jurong Country Club’s (JCC) management to ensure that the affected workers receive a fair compensation package.

This comes after it was announced on 11 May 2015 that the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High Speed Rail (HSR) terminus will be located at JCC’s current location. The club will be closed in November 2016 to make way for the terminus’ development, which in turn, will affect workers currently employed by the club.

Addressing Concerns

In a press release issued on the same day, AREU Executive Secretary Cham Hui Fong said: “As JCC is unionised under the AREU, the union is already in touch with its members to understand and address their concerns.”

She added: “In addition, the union will work with the Devan Nair Employment and Employability Institute to redeploy workers to other jobs before the club closes down.”

Caring For Workers

Following a meeting with JCC management and employees on 12 May 2015, AREU Deputy Executive Secretary Desmond Choo said: “Quite naturally the workers felt sad… Some of them, of course, are uncertain of their future job prospects. But overall, I think we managed to speak with them and they are comforted. We shared with them that you are our workers and we will take care of you.

“Critical to this process is also that we want to make sure workers are adequately, fairly treated, that they’ll be compensated for their many years of hard work.”

Source: NTUC This Week