Model ID: 2a74ae9a-1e4d-416f-a4ab-996f74e4eada Sitecore Context Id: 2a74ae9a-1e4d-416f-a4ab-996f74e4eada;

Hello 2019! Check out What’s on the LM Calendar

Here is a countdown on the top events you should an eye out for in the Labour Movement. (Actual dates are to be advised)
Model ID: 2a74ae9a-1e4d-416f-a4ab-996f74e4eada Sitecore Context Id: 2a74ae9a-1e4d-416f-a4ab-996f74e4eada;
By Fawwaz Baktee 31 Dec 2018
Model ID: 2a74ae9a-1e4d-416f-a4ab-996f74e4eada Sitecore Context Id: 2a74ae9a-1e4d-416f-a4ab-996f74e4eada;

First of all, Happy New Year to everyone in the Labour Movement.

Many new things happened last year. At the NTUC level, the Labour Movement saw a new Secretary-General and a new Deputy Secretary-General with Ng Chee Meng and Koh Poh Koon coming in.

Retrenchment numbers in Singapore went down, and total employment moved up. 

As we wrap up 2018 and welcome the new year, here’s a peek into the top things we should all keeping a lookout for in 2019. (Disclaimer: Dates are tentative and subject to change)

February 2019

  1. Future Jobs Skills and Training (FJST) Forum 2019

Back for a second year, the FJST Forum will seek to take proactive measures and pre-emptive steps to prepare workers to become Worker 4.0.

  1. Lunar New Year Celebrations

In what has become an annual tradition, the Labour Movement along with the Prime Minister will be appreciating our workers who continue to work on public holidays to keep the nation going. We’ll let you know soon enough where they’ll be going this year.

  1. Budget 2019

The announcements in 2018 were plenty – grants, new training initiatives, infrastructure spending, and the SG Bonus, among others. So what’s in store for the Budget in 2019? Highlights of it will be delivered directly to your inbox on our regular EDM.

March 2019

  1. NTUC Women’s Symposium

On 8 March every year, women around the world are celebrated. NTUC will be organising a women leadership symposium to celebrate the progress of women in Singapore and express its commitment to provide further support to women at the workplaces. 

May 2019

  1. NTUC May Day Celebrations

May Day is celebrated by honouring workers in Singapore. Beyond the occasion, the Labour Movement has been working hard to prepare workers to be Worker 4.0. Various events like the May Day Rally, May Day Awards and the May Day Fiesta will take centre stage in celebration of May Day this year, so look out for these! 

June 2019

  1. National Wages Council (NWC) Recommendations

The council was set up in 1972, at a time when Singapore was facing rapid industrialisation. With that growth, more and more workers were expecting a rise in their wages.

However, there were concerns that this expectation could potentially lead to serious industrial disputes, which would then affect the economic progress of Singapore.  

Since it was established, the NWC has been formulating wage guidelines annually that are in line with long-term economic growth.

August 2019

  1. National Day Observance Ceremony 2019

Celebrate Singapore’s birthday with the Labour Movement at this year’s National Day Observance Ceremony. It’s the perfect time to renew and strengthen the camaraderie shared among those in the Labour Movement.

October 2019

  1. NTUC National Delegates’ Conference (NDC)

Four years have passed in a blink of an eye as the Labour Movement holds yet another National Delegates’ Conference.

Like the previous conferences, all NTUC-affiliated unions will congregate to elect a new NTUC Central Committee and chart the way forward for the next four years.

“To know our future, we must know our past,” said then-Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew at the NTUC Modernization Seminar on 16 November 1969.

Journey with us through the past 50 years as we learn from our past, to decide the future of the Labour Movement at the NDC.