Model ID: f36382d5-e3bb-46d9-86d4-1ebf3ead2052 Sitecore Context Id: f36382d5-e3bb-46d9-86d4-1ebf3ead2052;

Healthy Progress

Some 5,000 healthcare workers are reaping the benefits in various aspects of their careers through the Progressive Wage Model.
Model ID: f36382d5-e3bb-46d9-86d4-1ebf3ead2052 Sitecore Context Id: f36382d5-e3bb-46d9-86d4-1ebf3ead2052;
By Naseema Banu Maideen 15 Aug 2014
Model ID: f36382d5-e3bb-46d9-86d4-1ebf3ead2052 Sitecore Context Id: f36382d5-e3bb-46d9-86d4-1ebf3ead2052;

Local workers in the healthcare sector moved a level up in their skills, productivity, career and wages with the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) in play for the sector.

Some 5,000 Health Attendants, Healthcare Assistants and Patient Service Associates have enjoyed wage increases of about 15% between 2012 and 2014 through the various projects rolled out by the Healthcare Cluster Tripartite Workgroup.

Launched in September 2012, the Healthcare Cluster Tripartite Workgroup is made up of the Ministry of Health, NTUC Healthcare Cluster of Unions and the six Public Healthcare Clusters..

Over these two years, the Workgroup has promoted productivity initiatives across the public healthcare sector and has looked into increasing the employability and wages of lower-income healthcare support staff.

NTUC Assistant Secretary-General Patrick Tay, who is the Supervising Lead of the NTUC Healthcare Cluster, shared these updates at the National Day Observance Ceremony on 15 August 2014. 

“The Healthcare Cluster Tripartite Workgroup has been hard at work. In 2012 and 2013, we focused our efforts on providing ‘4 Ups’ for the lower-wage workers – Up Skill, Up Career Ladder, Up Productivity and most importantly, Up Wages.

“Advancements were made by the healthcare clusters as they piloted various projects. In 2014, the Healthcare Cluster Tripartite Workgroup members eagerly shared the progress of their initiatives and I am glad to say that we are seeing ‘mass adoption’ of good projects across the clusters,” he said.

Original article can be found in NTUC This Week (17 August 2014).
