Model ID: 2800c620-2c79-4dc5-beb8-68d9f262709a Sitecore Context Id: 2800c620-2c79-4dc5-beb8-68d9f262709a;

HSEU: Going from Strength to Strength

Union holds event to touch on matters relating to its constitution and the upcoming NTUC ODC.
Model ID: 2800c620-2c79-4dc5-beb8-68d9f262709a Sitecore Context Id: 2800c620-2c79-4dc5-beb8-68d9f262709a;
By Ramesh Subbaraman 05 Oct 2017
Model ID: 2800c620-2c79-4dc5-beb8-68d9f262709a Sitecore Context Id: 2800c620-2c79-4dc5-beb8-68d9f262709a;

The Healthcare Services Employees’ Union (HSEU) held a Special Delegates Conference on 22 September 2017 to further strengthen the union’s constitution. The union also discussed challenges facing the workforce which are expected to be raised at the upcoming NTUC Ordinary Delegates’ Conference (ODC).

Some 145 delegates attended the one-day session at the Orchid Country Club.

Bettering Governance

HSEU President K Thanaletchimi said the union has been reviewing its constitution with the aim of bettering governance and staying relevant to the needs of its members.

“The major highlights at the Special Delegates Conference were to strengthen governance and define various membership types and recruitment modes like online recruitment. Our delegates were in strong alignment with the proposed amendments to the HSEU constitution and have given a very strong mandate for the amendments to take effect. The changes also include increasing the number of trustees and limiting their term of office for better governance which is in line with NTUC’s proposed changes to its constitution,” she elaborated.

NTUC Ordinary Delegates’ Conference

The Labour Movement (LM) will be holding its ODC on 15 November 2017.

Ms Thanaletchimi considers the event to be important as the LM journeys into the new age of work.

“As delegates, we will have the opportunity to embrace U Associate constitutionally as part of the LM family. It is the defining moment for NTUC, a gateway to LM transformation to be inclusive and representative of all working people. We have done some soul searching and we believe that to be the legitimate voice of the healthcare sector, HSEU has to be all inclusive to better represent the working people,” she emphasised.