Model ID: d36714d6-67b2-4061-bcbb-42f7ad97161f Sitecore Context Id: d36714d6-67b2-4061-bcbb-42f7ad97161f;

“Greater success awaits over next 50 years” (ST Forum Pg A22, 16 July 2014).

Young NTUC is the youth wing of the Labour Movement in Singapore representing 188,000 members. We have been engaging our members, who are working youths, since 2005.
Model ID: d36714d6-67b2-4061-bcbb-42f7ad97161f Sitecore Context Id: d36714d6-67b2-4061-bcbb-42f7ad97161f;
18 Jul 2014
Model ID: d36714d6-67b2-4061-bcbb-42f7ad97161f Sitecore Context Id: d36714d6-67b2-4061-bcbb-42f7ad97161f;

I refer to the forum letter “Greater success awaits over next 50 years” (ST Forum Pg A22, 16 July 2014).

In his letter, Mr. Yeoh Teng Kwong reacted to Professor Kishore Mahbubani’s observation that the chances of Singapore being equally successful over the next 50 years are practically zero and opined that the goals and definition of success for our next 50 years will be different. He also called on young Singaporeans to lead the change so that our nation will be able to exceed the success of the first 50 years, against the pessimistic observation of the good professor.

Young NTUC is the youth wing of the Labour Movement in Singapore representing 188,000 members. We have been engaging our members, who are working youths, since 2005. In our experiences, we have seen young Singaporeans aspiring to be better individuals in their lives, actively contributing to society’s progress and giving back to the community constantly. We have visited our compatriots in neighbouring countries, and observed that our youths are no less motivated and convicted of theirs and Singapore’s future.

During the "Our Singapore Conversation" last year, our members who took part shared strong views that Singapore must continue to achieve good social cohesion, forge a strong national identity and create a sustainable system of governance.

In their published response, they shared their aspirations for the nation to have a common narrative, for Singaporeans to take ownership and shape Singapore together. They recognised that a society is built only when we weather hardships together. They want a Singapore that does well not just as a country but where every Singaporean does equally well too.

The Singaporean society must be one that respects every worker and every job. We must strive to create a culture that supports the pursuit of happiness and balance as success is more than just economic growth and wealth alone.

From these experiences, we at Young NTUC believe strongly that our youths are passionate and will drive Singapore to continue to enjoy strong and great success in the next 50 years.

Seah Keng Tia
Young NTUC
