Model ID: 42bb083c-b2f1-480c-a404-06fcd2f6cec2 Sitecore Context Id: 42bb083c-b2f1-480c-a404-06fcd2f6cec2;

Give your Career a Health Check

e2i launches a new online initiative to help workers move their career forward.
Model ID: 42bb083c-b2f1-480c-a404-06fcd2f6cec2 Sitecore Context Id: 42bb083c-b2f1-480c-a404-06fcd2f6cec2;
By Ramesh Subbaraman 27 Jul 2018
Model ID: 42bb083c-b2f1-480c-a404-06fcd2f6cec2 Sitecore Context Id: 42bb083c-b2f1-480c-a404-06fcd2f6cec2;

Keen on doing a career health check so that you are more aware of your job and career vulnerabilities?

Then you should certainly find out more about the new online initiative called Career Pit Stop by NTUC’ e2i (Employment and Employability Institute).

It acts as a starting guide to help workers move their individual career forward.

Launching the initiative at e2i’s 10th anniversary dinner was NTUC Secretary-General (SG) Ng Chee Meng.

He said the self-help tool would be especially useful for the more vulnerable worker groups like mature workers, low-wage workers and freelancers.

Career Pit Stop

The Career Pit Stop helps to identify the motivation and drive of an individual to develop his career.

Four attributes – drive, network, focus and influence – are measured through this self-assessment tool.

The purpose is to enable workers to take charge of their career development and plan a roadmap to achieve the goals.


About the Career Pit Stop

For more details and to try out the tool, visit

Do set aside at least 10 minutes to complete the health check questions.

You will see your results once you complete the questionnaire.