Model ID: 6e261691-d173-4cd6-8e22-2e7f9e1f4e15 Sitecore Context Id: 6e261691-d173-4cd6-8e22-2e7f9e1f4e15;

Getting More Women Back to Work Companies could offer flexi-work arrangements and part-time jobs

The Womens Committee will enhance its efforts in working with more employers to help a greater number of women, especially the older ones and those from lower income families, rejoin the workforce.
Model ID: 6e261691-d173-4cd6-8e22-2e7f9e1f4e15 Sitecore Context Id: 6e261691-d173-4cd6-8e22-2e7f9e1f4e15;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 6e261691-d173-4cd6-8e22-2e7f9e1f4e15 Sitecore Context Id: 6e261691-d173-4cd6-8e22-2e7f9e1f4e15;

1 Getting more women back to work by encouraging more employers to offer flexi-work arrangements and part time jobs. That is the main focus of the NTUC (National Trades Union Congress) Women’s Committee for this year.

2 At the NTUC International Women’s Day 2006 seminar held this morning, it was announced that the Women’s Committee will enhance its efforts in working with more employers to help a greater number of women, especially the older ones and those from lower income families, rejoin the workforce. This is also in line with the efforts of the Tripartite Committee on the Employment of Older Workers to push up the employment rates of older workers.

3 During the half-day seminar, more than 400 participants, comprising  representatives from the NTUC Women’s Committee, women unionists and employers, gathered to discuss the problems  faced by women who want to return to work and how to overcome them.

4 An increasing life expectancy means that women do need sufficient funds to take care of their medical and retirement needs during old age but insufficient savings is one of the challenges that older and less skilled women face. The NTUC Women’s Committee feels that it is important to provide more opportunities to this group of women who want to return to work. In this way, they can be financially independent and strategically plan for their golden years.

5 However, having been out of the workforce for a considerable period of time, these women may lack the skills and confidence to go back to work.  The issue of providing adequate social support for their young children or elderly parents while they return to work also needs to be addressed.

6 Nevertheless, to help this group of women overcome these challenges, the NTUC Women’s Committee, together with its tripartite partners, are encouraging more employers to implement flexi work arrangements and offer more part time jobs in their HR policies. The NTUC Women’s Committee will also be working with the WDA on some initiatives to help women return to work.

7 With the objective of convincing more companies to do so, four exemplary employers who have been successful in the implementation of flexi and part time work shared their experiences with the participants.

8 Through this initiative, the NTUC Women’s Committee, together with its tripartite partners, hopes to continue to work together with more employers to help make a difference in the lives of older women and those who come from lower income families. Making part time and flexi work available to this group of women would make it more attractive for them to return to the workforce and lead more fulfilling lives.

