Model ID: a9a171fb-e718-497c-88f8-573431771f5f Sitecore Context Id: a9a171fb-e718-497c-88f8-573431771f5f;

Games swing off to a great start

Launched last year, the U Live Games 12/13 series provides a competitive platform for senior members aged 50 and above to build and showcase their sporting spirit.
Model ID: a9a171fb-e718-497c-88f8-573431771f5f Sitecore Context Id: a9a171fb-e718-497c-88f8-573431771f5f;
By Sreeganesh s/o Satgunanathan Executive, Community Engagement (U Live) 14 Dec 2012
Model ID: a9a171fb-e718-497c-88f8-573431771f5f Sitecore Context Id: a9a171fb-e718-497c-88f8-573431771f5f;

The U Live Games 12/13 got off to a great kickstart with the U Live Golf Challenge at Orchid Country Club at the beginning of November 2012, with overwhelming participation and strong support of 142 golfers from over 30 unions.

Launched last year, the series provides a competitive platform for senior members aged 50 and above to build and showcase their sporting spirit, thus promoting a Happy and Healthy lifestyle which would lead to a more Productive and Purposeful workforce.

Top honours went to Mr Francis Lee from Metal Industries Workers’ Union (MIWU) (A Division), Mr Kwek Kwee Hua from Amalgamated Union of Statutory Board Employees (AUSBE) (B Division) and Madam Lim Kim Heoh from Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore (UTES) (Ladies Division).

A spirited 74-year-old Mr Takeshi Yanagawa from Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Employees’ Union (SMEEU) also walked away with a special award for being the ‘Most Active U Live Golfer’. This year’s overall winning union for the Golf Challenge went to SMEEU.

The second event of the Games, the U Live 9-Ball Pool Challenge, took place at Cue Sports Centre on 25 November 2012. This year’s event saw nine unions sending in players to fight for the championship honour.

Mr Mohamed Ramli Bin Pagi from Union of Security Employees (USE) emerged as Champion with Mr Puah Tien Tim from Singapore Bank Officers’ Association (SBOA) finishing as first runner-up.

Modelled after the successful U Games, the U Live Games comprises six sporting events this year.

The overall Champion Union of the Games is decided by points accumulated over all the sporting events. With the completion of the first two events, the U Live Games leaderboard is starting to shape up.

With four events to go, it is still an open race. Will National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU) retain its crown from last year or will another union emerge champion?

The upcoming events of the U Live Games - Badminton and Table Tennis - will take place on 13 January 2013 at ITE College East. Interested parties can contact their unions for registration information or visit for more details.
