Model ID: 2ec89cb3-05a2-4657-9c86-7a85c23dda42 Sitecore Context Id: 2ec89cb3-05a2-4657-9c86-7a85c23dda42;

Forging A Stronger Relationship

Young PAP activists join Young NTUC in their annual workplan seminar to explore new ways of strengthening their symbiotic relationship.
Model ID: 2ec89cb3-05a2-4657-9c86-7a85c23dda42 Sitecore Context Id: 2ec89cb3-05a2-4657-9c86-7a85c23dda42;
By Jonathan Tan 26 Apr 2018
Model ID: 2ec89cb3-05a2-4657-9c86-7a85c23dda42 Sitecore Context Id: 2ec89cb3-05a2-4657-9c86-7a85c23dda42;

It may be a yearly affair but Young NTUC’s Annual Workplan Seminar plays a pivotal role in giving its youth leaders a perspective for what to expect in the coming work year ahead. It is during the one-day seminar that the unit’s priorities, lineup of activities, means of engagement and desired outcomes are discussed.

The Young NTUC Workplan Seminar 2018, which took place on 24 March at NTUC Centre, was attended by 64 youth leaders comprising youth union leaders, NTUC industrial relations officers and activists from groups such as the Youth Career Network. Special guests who shared their insights included veteran unionist and NTUC Director of Leadership Development and Mobilisation Ong Chin Ang. 

Starting Young
This year’s seminar also saw the first Young NTUC and Young PAP Exchange take place, where 29 Young PAP (People’s Action Party) participated in the seminar in a bid to build and foster a stronger relationship between the two groups at youth level.

Facilitated by the Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute (OTCi), the participants got to learn more about the Labour Movement, the role it has played in Singapore’s politics in the early years of the country’s independence, and the complementary nature of the NTUC’s relationship with the PAP. Subsequent breakout discussions also gave the youths an opportunity to explore ways in which youths from the two groups could strengthen their relationship.

A dialogue session rounded up the seminar where leaders from both Young NTUC and Young PAP affirmed their commitment towards taking the relationship further. Panelists included Young NTUC Executive Secretary Desmond Choo, Young PAP Chairman Dr Janil Puthucheary, Young PAP Vice-Chairman Amrin Amin and Young PAP Advisor Dr Tan Wu Meng.

“In the last 52 years, the symbiotic relationship between PAP and NTUC has propelled the growth of Singapore’s workforce. The unions had provided strong support to the PAP Government while the PAP Government worked with the unions to develop effective policies to help our workers. The symbiotic relationship is Singapore’s competitive advantage. It has attracted foreign investments and created jobs. It is crucial for the new generation of union leaders to continue this relationship so that we can help our workers thrive in digital transformations, seize opportunities and progress into better jobs.

“The recent workplace seminar brought young leaders from both sides together to forge deeper relationships and to build common understanding. It has also sparked off the discussions on joint projects between both teams and I look forward to seeing that come to fruition,” said Young NTUC Executive Secretary Desmond Choo.