To celebrate 10 years of Union-Management relationship, Housing Development Board’s Housing Management Group (HMG) and HDBSU gathered together to raise funds to help the less fortunate.
HDBSU President Michael Koh along with HMG Group Director Mike Chan led the distribution of food hampers on 12 October 2012 at Jalan Tenteram in Whampoa. Meanwhile, other Directors, Deputy Directors, union officials and General Managers from various Branches set out to different housing estates to hand out the hampers which were filled with daily food staples.
The donation drive began in early August and within one month, HMG and HDBSU successfully raised $14,800. The charity programme also received support from NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Limited. Food hampers worth about $80 were distributed to 208 families who lived in rental flats island-wide.
General Manager of HDB’s Bukit Batok Branch and co-leader of the HMG-Union Industrial Relations Circle (IRC) Teo Chye Hwa said, “It is a meaningful gesture to give back to society, but even more so for HMG as these beneficiaries are also our rental tenants.”
Deputy General Secretary HDBSU and co-leader of the HMG-Union IRC Tay Peck Kiang also echoed similar sentiments. He added: “The Union and HMG have come a long way to achieve good rapport and we are proud to organise such activities. We also hope that the other Groups in HDB will work together with us for such meaningful events in the future.”
The event reaffirms HDB and the Union’s commitment to give back to society and marks another step towards building cohesive communities.