Model ID: 8f92cb3b-b2de-4a7f-b77d-e7db7ec4bdf6 Sitecore Context Id: 8f92cb3b-b2de-4a7f-b77d-e7db7ec4bdf6;

Fitter Accommodation

Foreign worker dormitories with a capacity of at least 1,000 beds will have to meet licensing conditions under new law.
Model ID: 8f92cb3b-b2de-4a7f-b77d-e7db7ec4bdf6 Sitecore Context Id: 8f92cb3b-b2de-4a7f-b77d-e7db7ec4bdf6;
By Geraldine Peters and Florina Oo 22 Jan 2015
Model ID: 8f92cb3b-b2de-4a7f-b77d-e7db7ec4bdf6 Sitecore Context Id: 8f92cb3b-b2de-4a7f-b77d-e7db7ec4bdf6;


The Foreign Employee Dormitories Bill, which was passed in Parliament on 20 January 2015, will see operators of larger dormitories come under the scrutiny of a new licensing framework.

Dormitories with at least 1,000 beds and above will have to meet the licensing conditions of security, public health and social and recreational activities, before they are allowed to operate.

Speaking in Parliament, Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin explained that it is the Government’s longer-term view that the accommodation needs of Work Permit Holders are best met in such dormitories, where there are self-contained living, social and recreational facilities.

Operators of smaller dormitories that do not cross the 1,000-bed threshold will continue to be subjected to existing regulations to protect the safety and well-being of residents.

Key Features of the Bill

  • A Commissioner will be appointed to oversee administration of the new Bill
  • Additional requirements for larger dormitories with 1,000 beds or more through a licensing regime
  • This includes existing dormitories which already house 1,000 foreign workers or are approved to house this number of workers, even if they currently do not
  • Licensing regime will cover all current and upcoming PBDs, dormitories on industrial premises, and on-site workers’ quarters that meet the threshold
  • Holders of the license are responsible for day to day running of the dormitory and will be held accountable if non-compliance is observed


  • For operating an unlicensed dormitory, proprietors and operators can be fined up to $500,000 or jailed up to two years, or both
  • For breaching each licensing condition, they can be fined up to $50,000, or imprisonment of up to one year, or both, for each condition contravened

Source: NTUC thisweek

