Model ID: e028967a-7ebf-40e3-9cf1-acd2d215b354 Sitecore Context Id: e028967a-7ebf-40e3-9cf1-acd2d215b354;

Financial Services Career Week: 3 Reasons to Be There

Keen to carve out a career in the financial services industry or planning to switch into it? Check out what the Financial Services Career Week has in store for you.
Model ID: e028967a-7ebf-40e3-9cf1-acd2d215b354 Sitecore Context Id: e028967a-7ebf-40e3-9cf1-acd2d215b354;
By Ramesh Subbaraman 15 Aug 2017
Model ID: e028967a-7ebf-40e3-9cf1-acd2d215b354 Sitecore Context Id: e028967a-7ebf-40e3-9cf1-acd2d215b354;

The financial services sector is one of five sectors which the Manpower Ministry has recently identified as a growth industry. 

In a recent report, NTUC's Future Jobs, Skills and Training (FJST) Department highlighted the job growth opportunities as well as the job roles and skills in-demand in the sector.

According to the FJST report and a recent blog post by NTUC Assistant Secretary-General Patrick Tay, who co-chairs the Financial Sector Tripartite Committee, jobs are expected in the areas of wealth management, compliance, risk management, data analytics, cyber-security and FinTech.

Several programmes have been lined up for the ongoing Financial Services Career Week organised by the Financial Industry Career Advisory Centre (FiCAC), Workforce Singapore (WSG), NTUC's e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) and supported by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) , NTUC, Association of Banks Singapore (ABS), The Institute of banking and Finance (IBF) and UPME. Here are some highlights:

Key ProgrammesAlready in the industry or hoping to join it? Then you can consider attending some of the industry talks and mentoring sessions to find out more about the trends and new job growth areas. 

Career Fair: Jobseekers, mark your calendars. A career fair featuring 300 jobs in the sector is being held on 23 August at M Hotel from 1pm to 5pm. Some of the jobs available are in the areas of compliance, risk management, wealth and private banking, technology and operations.

Professional Conversion Programme (PCP): If you’re interested in making a switch into the industry, then the PCP is for you. The programme will help you undergo skills conversion to land the job of your dreams, with opportunities for progression. Come to the career fair on 23 August to meet hiring managers and find out more.

More details about the upcoming Financial Career Services Week and the career fair can be found at