Model ID: 1b96ac71-b65a-44d6-90e7-a6928d370896 Sitecore Context Id: 1b96ac71-b65a-44d6-90e7-a6928d370896;

Fast Forward

Budget 2017 is all about the collective future of Singapore and its people. Are you ready to be part of the change? We hear what the Labour Members of Parliament have to say about helping you make a successful transition into jobs of tomorrow.
Model ID: 1b96ac71-b65a-44d6-90e7-a6928d370896 Sitecore Context Id: 1b96ac71-b65a-44d6-90e7-a6928d370896;
05 Mar 2017
Model ID: 1b96ac71-b65a-44d6-90e7-a6928d370896 Sitecore Context Id: 1b96ac71-b65a-44d6-90e7-a6928d370896;

Budget 2017 is all about the collective future of Singapore and its people. Are you ready to be part of the change? We hear what the Labour Members of Parliament have to say about helping you make a successful transition into jobs of tomorrow.

Click download for more!
